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The Study of Mycorrhizal Fungi and Soil in the Yangming Mountain Fumarole Area
作者 林子超 (Tzy-Chau Lin)朱恩良李苑瑋顏江河
陽明山地區長年在後火山作用下,形成特殊的土壤環境及獨特的硫磺區植群組成,部分區域的土壤pH值甚至僅1.9,土壤全氮為0.05 %,土壤有效磷為2.63 mg kg-1,且為高鋁(135 mg kg-1)高硫(5736 mg kg-1)的環境,只有少數耐極酸性之植物能自然生存其間。本研究針對陽明山地區進行土壤化學性質分析及菌根菌調查,以了解該地區的菌根相。調查結果發現,叢枝菌根菌Entrophospora columbiana 及Glomus clarum為硫磺噴氣口白背芒(Miscanthus sinensis var. glaber)主要的共生菌種,而隨著遠離噴泉口,植相與共生的菌種多樣性也明顯地提升,菌種種類分別為Acaulospora mellea, A. foveata, A. morrowiae, G. deserticola, G. invermaium, G. ambisporum, G. insculptum, Scutellospora rubra, S. aurigloba, S. calospora, Sclerocystis rubiformis, Gigaspora gigantea共計發現叢枝菌根菌6屬14種。 Yangming mountain area preserves particular soils environment and sulfatara formation composition in phenomena of post-volcanism all the year round. The soils of part of this place is extremely acid. Soil nitrogen, availability phosphorous, exchangeable aluminum and inorganic sulfur contents are 0.05 %, 2.63 mg kg-1, 135 mg kg-1 and 5736 mg kg-1, respectively. There are only some acid-tolerable plant species can exist in this area. The purpose of this study is to analyze soil nutrient and investigate mycorrhizal fungi composition. We found that the main arbuscual mycorrhizae symbiosis with Miscanthus sinensis var. glaber predominant the fumarole are Entrophospora columbiana and Glomus clarum. The biodiversity of plants and fingi are increase with the distance from the fumarole, the species of mycorrhiza are Acaulospora mellea, A. foveata, A. morrowiae, G. deserticola, G. invermaium, G. ambisporum, G. insculptum, Scutellospora rubra, S. aurigloba, S. calospora, Sclerocystis rubiformis, Gigaspora gigantean. There are 14 species in 6 genus was found.
起訖頁 241-252
關鍵詞 陽明山硫磺區植群菌根叢枝菌根菌Yangming mountainsulfatara formationmycorrhizaarbuscual mycorrhizae
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 201312 (35:4期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 雪山雪東線步道種子植物開花物候之調查
該期刊-下一篇 應用BIOMOD2模擬臺灣水青岡之分布




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