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Constructing the Tourism Planning on the Hot Spring Scenic Area by using TRIZ Method─Unlocked the Truly Secrets of Lu-Shan
作者 范振德陳麗萍黃有傑
鑑諸於台灣地形特殊且天然災害發生頻繁,2008年辛樂克颱風之土石流造成廬山溫泉風景區(以下簡稱廬山)當地居民及業者生命財產之嚴重損失。政府推動該區重建時,不僅需考量安全之顧慮,同時亦需兼顧當地居民及業者的生存、就業保障與未來社區生態發展,進而使觀光及社區得以永續經營;故而本研究嘗試利用萃智法創新理論,以永續經營觀點來探討廬山之未來觀光規劃。研究發現政府應基於觀光地區永續發展及安全保護原則,對於廬山當地居民、投資者及該區特有之原住民文化,謀求最大之利益,廬山之資源開發、法規修訂及社區規劃,亦應以降低對生態環境的衝擊原則下,進行妥適之觀光管理規劃與相關配套計畫。本研究結果及後續建議除可做為政府施政之參考,更可為當地居民及社區營造提供規劃建議。 Owing to the special terrain and natural disaster frequently happened in Taiwan. The storm known as Xin Leke unleashing record rainfall and triggering landslides and fl ooding, the river fl ooded into a residential and commercial area, and mudslides swallowed several homes took toll of the Lu-Shan Hot Spring Scenic Area (Lu-Shan) in 2008, It is very important to think over the physical / biological resource capacity and ensure the employment benefit of residents while the government and the residents begin reconstruction and development of damaged communities. This research aimed to reconstruct the remote mountain village of Lu Shan tourism area based safe and sustainable management by using the innovative method of TRIZ theory. The results were as follow: The government should seek for appropriate tourism management strategies and related necessary plans on the basis of the maximum benefi ts of local residents, investors, and aboriginal culture of hot spring area. The laws and regulations revision and development of resources and community are also needed to plan on the basis of reductions of the environment impacts of ecology. The results and suggestions of this research were not only could be referred as a policy of the government, but also be suggestion and plan as local residents and community developed.
起訖頁 199-208
關鍵詞 廬山溫泉風景區永續經營萃智法觀光管理Lu-Shan Hot Spring Scenic AreaSustainable ManagementTRIZTourism management
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 201309 (35:3期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 遊客參與惠蓀林場木文化節闖關活動心流體驗與效益相關性之研究




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