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Cognition of Tree Protection by People with Different Environmental Attitudes
作者 蕭文偉張淑君陳潔音王亞男
過去研究顯示近年來臺灣民眾對森林價值的認知產生極大改變,且多著重於探討森林態度與偏好,而關於樹木保護的環境認知則幾無研究進行。本研究即以樹木褐根病為例,針對樹木褐根病防治研討會參與者進行問卷調查訪問,並使用「新生態典範量表」測試環境態度,旨在探討民眾背景特質對環境態度與樹木保護認知之影響。本研究回收有效問卷127份,資料分析結果顯示:1.整體而言,受訪者平均對樹木保護有正確認知,而老師及公務人員之正確認知較其他職業類別為高。 2.本研究受訪者之整體環境態度趨於新生態典範的內涵,而曾加入生態或環境社團者的環境態度,其生態世界觀顯著優於未加入過者。3.且當民眾之環境態度愈趨向新生態典範,其樹木保護之正確認知皆顯著較高。 In addition to discussing attitudes and preference for forest, past research results show that forest value cognition of Taiwan people has altered significantly. But few studies focus on the field of tree protection cognition. This study is taking tree brown root rot disease for example, and using “new ecological paradigm scale (NEP scale)” to test respondents' attitude. The purpose is to analyze the influence of people's characteristics on the environmental attitudes and tree protection cognition by people. This study analyzes respondents that are participants in the conference by using questionnaires. According to the analysis, the results are shown that: 1. Respondents in this study generally have correct tree protection cognition. Teacher and civil servant have better cognition than the other occupation category of people. 2. The environmental attitudes of respondents in this study are tending to the new ecological paradigm. The proecological worldview of respondents who have taken the ecological and environmental group is significant better than that haven't taken. 3. The closer to the new ecological paradigm, the more significant correct tree protection cognition those respondents have.
起訖頁 33-45
關鍵詞 樹木保護認知環境態度樹木褐根病新生態典範tree protection cognitionenvironmental attitudestree brown root rot diseasenew ecological paradigm
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 201303 (35:1期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣中部地區孟宗竹林不同經營強度林分性態值、地上部生物量及碳貯存量之比較
該期刊-下一篇 國小學童對香草香味偏好之研究




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