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Evaluating the Knowledge of Low Impact Practices of Backcountry Hikers
作者 原友蘭劉吉川
遊憩者會因疏忽、缺乏技巧、知識貧乏、無法避免,以及蓄意違法等五種原因在遊憩時採取不當的行為,加劇遊憩活動對生態環境與遊憩體驗產生的負面影響。因此經營者無不期望每位遊憩者都能在進行遊憩活動時採取低衝擊行為(low impact behavior)。低衝擊行為就是遊憩者因本身的環境意識,自發性採取對生態環境與他人遊憩體驗產生較低負面影響的遊憩行為,如此便可大幅降低遊憩行為對環境的衝擊。然而,低衝擊行為的產生仰賴的不僅是人們的環境意識,人們還必須要對瞭解如何採取低衝擊行為,也就是需要具備低衝擊實務的知識。本研究為紮根型研究,旨在探討國家公園與森林遊樂區內的登山者所具備低衝擊行為概念與低衝擊行為實務知識的程度,以提供日後施行資訊宣導與環境教育設計之起點與效果比較的基礎。研究工具採用問卷調查法,先於玉山塔塔加登山口與嘉明湖登山路線的登山口收集通聯資訊,再寄發問卷,總共1,022人同意參與調查,回收69.8%的問卷。研究發現建議登山者對於低衝擊行為概念有普遍的瞭解,然而對於各項實務知識的充足程度不一。因此,提升低衝擊行為實務知識的資訊宣導與教育策略必須針對特定的實務知識做設計,並依據登山者的特質與經驗設計內容,方可協助低衝擊行為實務知識的落實,並讓人們對低衝擊行為從概念到實務都可有更透徹與完整的瞭解。 This study investigated the knowledge level of backcountry hikers toward the low impact practices in national parks and forest recreation areas. A questionnaire was developed based on the leave no trace (LNT) principles, one of the most commonly recognized low impact concept. A self-administrated survey was sent out with 69.8 percent return rate. The study found that the knowledge level of the backcountry hikers were fairly well. However, they lack of specific knowledge of low impact practices, such as the selection of camping ground and the evaluation of trail condition. The knowledge levels of low impact practices varied at backcountry hiking experience and the duration of hiking. Therefore, to effective communicate and disseminate the knowledge of low impact practices, managers should deploy educational strategies and information Champaign which are specifi cally designed in respond to different groups with the different level of knowledge of LNT practices.
起訖頁 133-150
關鍵詞 低衝擊行為實務評量研究Leave No Tracelow impact behaviorleave no tracelow impact practiceevaluation research
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 201206 (34:2期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 跨區域比較遊客之價值觀與遊憩行為意向
該期刊-下一篇 評估五種平地景觀造林樹種景觀美質偏好之研究




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