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Applying open database to conservation biology: Estimating the terrestrial vertebrate biodiversity hotspots of Taiwan
作者 陳宛均張安瑜吳采諭 (Tsai-Yu Wu)
在生物多樣性保育策略的規劃與執行上,能提供高效率執行方案的生物多樣性熱點是常被用於分配保育資源的決策工具。本研究整合臺灣陸域脊椎動物開放資料庫,結合環境因子建構物種分布模式,推估兩棲類、爬行類、鳥類及哺乳類等陸域脊椎動物之所有物種、特有物種(含特有種與特有亞種)、保育類及受脅物種豐富度,並比對臺灣現行保護區體系,評估生物多樣性熱點之分布與受保護情形。總計分析232種物種,其中兩棲類20種,含特有物種7種,保育類1種,國家受脅物種1種;爬行類56種,含特有物種15種,保育類19種,國家受脅物種3種;鳥類133種,含特有物種66種,保育類32種,國家受脅物種12種;哺乳類23種,含特有物種13種,保育類5種。結果顯示臺灣陸域脊椎動物生物多樣性熱點主要位於海拔1,500m以下區域,然而現行保護區以海拔1,500m以上的中高海拔區域為主,高達80.0-98.5%的熱點落於現行保護區以外,低海拔地區的生物多樣性保護工作亟需關注。生物物種的基礎研究資料是推動生物多樣性主流化的基石,透過資訊的開放與流通,輔以完整的分析與決策流程,才能讓有限的保育資源發揮更大的成效。 Biodiversity hotspot has become one of the most useful concepts for effective conservation planning, especially in places where resources that can be devoted to conservation are limited. We compiled occurrence data of terrestrial vertebrate species in combination with environmental datasets from open sources to build species distribution models. We then estimated biodiversity hotspots of terrestrial amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals of Taiwan by integrating species-specific distribution models. We generated the hotspots maps based on the richness of all species, endemic species and subspecies, protected species, and threatened species. We overlaid these hotspots with existing protected areas in a gap analysis. All together, we modeled 232 species: 20 amphibians (7 endemic species and subspecies, 1 protected species, and 1 threatened species); 56 reptiles (15 endemic species and subspecies, 19 protected species, and 3 threatened species); 133 birds (66 endemic species and subspecies, 32 protected species, and 12 threatened species); 23 mammals (13 endemic species and subspecies, and 5 protected species). The terrestrial vertebrate hotspots in Taiwan are mainly located below 1,500 m elevation, while existing protected areas are mainly in the mid to high mountain regions above 1,500 m. We found that 80.0-98.5% of the hotspots fall outside the protected areas, indicating the importance of conservation planning and actions in the low-elevation areas. Species-level data from field research are the cornerstone of mainstreaming the value of biodiversity. By making data publicly open and easily transferrable, we can improve the processes of scientific analysis and decision-making, thereby maximizing the often-limited resources for conservation efforts.
Biodiversity hotspot has become one of the most useful concepts for effective conservation planning, especially in places where resources that can be devoted to conservation are limited. We compiled occurrence data of terrestrial vertebrate species in combination with environmental datasets from open sources to build species distribution models. We then estimated biodiversity hotspots of terrestrial amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals of Taiwan by integrating species-specific distribution models. We generated the hotspots maps based on the richness of all species, endemic species and subspecies, protected species, and threatened species. We overlaid these hotspots with existing protected areas in a gap analysis. All together, we modeled 232 species: 20 amphibians (7 endemic species and subspecies, 1 protected species, and 1 threatened species); 56 reptiles (15 endemic species and subspecies, 19 protected species, and 3 threatened species); 133 birds (66 endemic species and subspecies, 32 protected species, and 12 threatened species); 23 mammals (13 endemic species and subspecies, and 5 protected species). The terrestrial vertebrate hotspots in Taiwan are mainly located below 1,500 m elevation, while existing protected areas are mainly in the mid to high mountain regions above 1,500 m. We found that 80.0-98.5% of the hotspots fall outside the protected areas, indicating the importance of conservation planning and actions in the low-elevation areas. Species-level data from field research are the cornerstone of mainstreaming the value of biodiversity. By making data publicly open and easily transferrable, we can improve the processes of scientific analysis and decision-making, thereby maximizing the often-limited resources for conservation efforts.
起訖頁 97-141
關鍵詞 生物多樣性熱點空隙分析開放資料保護區物種分布預測biodiversity hotspotgap analysisopen dataprotected areaspecies distribution model
刊名 台灣生物多樣性研究  
期數 201804 (20:2期)
出版單位 農委會特有生物研究保育中心
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣產邊褐端黑螢之生活史特性與分布




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