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Firefly Biodiversity Survey in Matsu Archipelago, Lienchiang County
作者 何健鎔方華德鄭恕涵胡景瀚
為能瞭解馬祖列島的螢火蟲資源,自2009年4月至2013年10月間調查馬祖地區螢火蟲,共記錄2科2屬4種,分別為雌光螢科(Rhagophthalmidae)的北竿雌光螢(Rhagophthalmus beigansis Ho, 2012)及東莒雌光螢(R. giallolateralus Ho, 2012);螢科(Lampyridae)的紅胸窗螢(Pyrocoelia formosana Olivier, 1911)及臺灣窗螢(P. analis Fabricius, 1801)。其中紅胸窗螢為日行性螢火蟲(diurnal),其於種類皆為夜行型(nocturnal)。本文將描述其成蟲形態、發生期、食餌種類調查及幼蟲棲地,並探討其發光行為。從島嶼生物學上思考島嶼上的螢火蟲,是研究生物地理學上的良好題材,由於分布侷限,棲地狹窄,族群量小,建議政府當局研究應研擬保育對策,進行研究保育工作。 To understand firefly diversity in Matsu Archipelago, an inventory was made from April 2009 to October 2013. Four species belonging to two families and two genus were recorded: Rhagophthalmus beigansis Ho, 2012; R. giallolateralus Ho, 2012 of Rhagophthalmidae; Pyrocoelia formosana Olivier, 1911; and P. analis (Olivier, 1911) of Lampyridae. P. formosana is diurnal, while others are nocturnal. This article describes firefly morphology, period of occurrence of firefly adults, survey of prey species, larva habitats, and luminescence behavior. Studying fireflies from the biogeographic perspective can help understand island biology. Due to the firefly's limited distribution, narrow habitat and small population, we suggest relevant administration authorities to formulate strategy in firefly conservation efforts.
To understand firefly diversity in Matsu Archipelago, an inventory was made from April 2009 to October 2013. Four species belonging to two families and two genus were recorded: Rhagophthalmus beigansis Ho, 2012; R. giallolateralus Ho, 2012 of Rhagophthalmidae; Pyrocoelia formosana Olivier, 1911; and P. analis (Olivier, 1911) of Lampyridae. P. formosana is diurnal, while others are nocturnal. This article describes firefly morphology, period of occurrence of firefly adults, survey of prey species, larva habitats, and luminescence behavior. Studying fireflies from the biogeographic perspective can help understand island biology. Due to the firefly's limited distribution, narrow habitat and small population, we suggest relevant administration authorities to formulate strategy in firefly conservation efforts.
起訖頁 147-160
關鍵詞 螢火蟲雌光螢馬祖列島北竿東莒生物多樣性FireflyRhagophthalmusMatsu ArchipelagoBeiganDongjubiodiversity
刊名 台灣生物多樣性研究  
期數 201704 (19:2期)
出版單位 農委會特有生物研究保育中心
該期刊-上一篇 台灣旋花科新歸化植物——五葉菜欒藤




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