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2015 New Year Bird Count for the Winter Avifauna Monitoring Project in Taiwan
作者 林大利呂翊維邱柏瑩林昆海林瑞興 (Ruey-Shing Lin)
近年來,東亞-澳洲鳥類遷徙線的候鳥族群量大幅下降。為瞭解臺灣冬季鳥類狀況,「臺灣新年數鳥嘉年華」已自 2014 年執行至今。2014 年底至 2015 年初的 23 天內,由 967 名志工於全國 134 個半徑 3 km 的樣區圓內執行鳥類調查,共記錄 319 種鳥,205,319 隻次的鳥類。以鳥種豐富度及鳥類豐度來看,龍鑾潭、西南沿海及蘭陽平原為重要的熱點。與首年調查成果相較,黑腹濱鷸(Calidris alpine)、小水鴨(Anas creeca)、麻雀(Passer montaus)、太平洋金斑鴴(Pluvialis fulva)、黃頭鷺(Bulbulcus ibis)、棕沙燕(Riparia chinensis)及東方環頸(Charadrius alexandrines),共 7 種鳥的數量下降超過 1,000 隻次。雖然兩年的資料上不易深究族群變化,但在努力量提升之下,很可能是暗示這些鳥種族群量下降的重要警訊。未來「臺灣新年數鳥嘉年華」將持續執行冬季鳥類監測,建立完善的冬季鳥類監測系統,監測東亞-澳洲遷徙線候鳥現況。 The population of migratory birds of East Asia-Australasia Flyway is decreasing significantly in recent years. To monitor the status of wintering avifauna, Taiwan New Year Bird Count (NYBC Taiwan) has been conducted since 2014. From December 20th, 2014, to January 11th, 2015, 967 volunteers recorded 205,319 individuals from 319 species in 134 circular sample areas with a radius of 3 km. Judging by bird species richness and abundance, Longluan Lake, Southwest coastal and Lanyang Plain were important hotspots. Comparing to the results of 2014, abundance of Calidris alpine, Anas crecca, Passer montanus, Pluvialis fulva, Bubulcus ibis, Riparia chinensis and Charadrius alexandrines decreased by over 1,000 individuals. It was difficult to confirm the population trends from the data of only two years. However, with the increased sampling efforts in 2015, it might signal an important alarm of decreasing population size in these species. Taiwan New Year Bird Count as a monitoring system of wintering avifauna will continue to be conducted in order to monitor the status of avian migrants in East Asia-Australasia Flyway.
The population of migratory birds of East Asia-Australasia Flyway is decreasing significantly in recent years. To monitor the status of wintering avifauna, Taiwan New Year Bird Count (NYBC Taiwan) has been conducted since 2014. From December 20th, 2014, to January 11th, 2015, 967 volunteers recorded 205,319 individuals from 319 species in 134 circular sample areas with a radius of 3 km. Judging by bird species richness and abundance, Longluan Lake, Southwest coastal and Lanyang Plain were important hotspots. Comparing to the results of 2014, abundance of Calidris alpine, Anas crecca, Passer montanus, Pluvialis fulva, Bubulcus ibis, Riparia chinensis and Charadrius alexandrines decreased by over 1,000 individuals. It was difficult to confirm the population trends from the data of only two years. However, with the increased sampling efforts in 2015, it might signal an important alarm of decreasing population size in these species. Taiwan New Year Bird Count as a monitoring system of wintering avifauna will continue to be conducted in order to monitor the status of avian migrants in East Asia-Australasia Flyway.
起訖頁 69-92
關鍵詞 八民科學東亞-澳洲遷徙線新年數鳥嘉年華臺灣冬候鳥citizen scienceEast Asia-Australasia FlywayNew Year Bird CountTaiwanwintering birds
刊名 台灣生物多樣性研究  
期數 201601 (18:1期)
出版單位 農委會特有生物研究保育中心
該期刊-上一篇 2014年澎湖縣綠蠵龜(Chelonia mydas)繁殖與族群危機調查
該期刊-下一篇 棲蘭野生動物重要棲息環境之脆弱度評估




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