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The Korean War and Kyushu–Southeast Asia Trade in the Late Sixteenth-Century: Katō Kiyomasa’s Conducted Trade in Luzon
作者 中島樂章
本文對於1590年代侵略朝鮮戰爭的過程中,日本主要將領加藤清正籌畫的呂宋貿易計劃,綜合利用日本、中國、西歐文獻加以探討。1593年12月,加藤清正從朝鮮向他的領地肥後寄送書件,指示派遣一艘屬於他的「唐船」進口大量小麥和白銀等商品。當時「唐船」一般作為遠洋航船利用,而小麥是從日本向呂宋進口的主要商品之一,因此該「唐船」很可能向呂宋派遣。朝鮮戰爭長期延續,加藤清正苦思焦慮軍需品(尤其彈藥)的不足,因此計劃以呂宋貿易的收益補充繼續膨脹的軍費。在16世紀末的東亞海域,鉛和硝石等軍事消耗品主要通過三條徑路進口到日本。就是葡萄牙人的澳門—長崎貿易、華人走私商人的福建—九州貿易,以及從中國或東南亞經過呂宋等到達九州的中繼貿易。但是1593年前後,由於朝鮮戰爭的影響,從中國向呂宋進口的軍需品也急劇減少,西班牙人又面臨軍需品的不足。另方面,在日本作為軍事支出手段的黃金需要驟增,加藤清正一定企圖從呂宋輸入黃金,以此在日本國內市場籌措鉛及硝石等軍事品。加上從1590年代,日本的商船除了呂宋之外,前往東南亞的大陸部也開始航海,從事交易,可知17世紀初期的朱印船貿易,在16世紀末期已經開始胎動。 Japanese daimyos mobilizing for the invasion of Korea in the 1590’s were obliged to finance most of their military campaigns on their own. This was especially true for supplies of lead and saltpeter, both of which were matters of vital importance. In the early 1590’s, Japan depended on overseas sources for most of its supply of lead and saltpeter. These were mainly imported to Japan by three trading routes: the Portuguese Macao-Nagasaki trade, the Fujian traders’ smuggling traffic between southern Fujian and Kyushu, and the intermediary trade linking southeast Asia and Kyushu via Luzon and other places. Katō Kiyomasa, one of the leading daimyos of the Japanese invading troops, faced a severe shortage of lead and saltpeter during the prolonged campaigns in Korea. In his domain there were neither silver nor gold mines, and the main production was agriculture—rice and wheat. So he increased the exploitation of peasants in his domain to an extreme degree, collecting as much rice and wheat as possible, and schemed to export them to Luzon. It is highly possible that Kiyomasa imported Philippine gold in exchange for wheat and silver, and put it toward purchases of munitions such as lead and saltpeter in the domestic market.
Japanese daimyos mobilizing for the invasion of Korea in the 1590’s were obliged to finance most of their military campaigns on their own. This was especially true for supplies of lead and saltpeter, both of which were matters of vital importance. In the early 1590’s, Japan depended on overseas sources for most of its supply of lead and saltpeter. These were mainly imported to Japan by three trading routes: the Portuguese Macao-Nagasaki trade, the Fujian traders’ smuggling traffic between southern Fujian and Kyushu, and the intermediary trade linking southeast Asia and Kyushu via Luzon and other places. Katō Kiyomasa, one of the leading daimyos of the Japanese invading troops, faced a severe shortage of lead and saltpeter during the prolonged campaigns in Korea. In his domain there were neither silver nor gold mines, and the main production was agriculture—rice and wheat. So he increased the exploitation of peasants in his domain to an extreme degree, collecting as much rice and wheat as possible, and schemed to export them to Luzon. It is highly possible that Kiyomasa imported Philippine gold in exchange for wheat and silver, and put it toward purchases of munitions such as lead and saltpeter in the domestic market.
起訖頁 89-119
關鍵詞 加藤清正呂宋朝鮮之役小麥軍需品九州福建菲律賓KatōKiyomasaLuzonInvasion of KoreawheatmunitionsFujianKyushuPhilippines
刊名 明代研究  
期數 201706 (28期)
出版單位 中國明代研究學會
該期刊-上一篇 萬曆朝鮮戰爭:日軍之戰術
該期刊-下一篇 書評:朴元熇,《崔溥漂海錄分析研究》




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