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Wu Yubi’s Perspective on Lineages
作者 許齊雄
吳與弼是十五世紀中葉活躍於江西的程朱理學家。他也是在明代理學發展史中扮演著重要承先啟後角色的南方大儒。吳與弼所生活的江西撫州地區在明初出現了不少家族重新組織起來並且編修族譜的活動,其所著《康齋集》中就收錄了不少他為江西家族之族譜撰寫的序文。本文通過細緻的統計和歸類,以及對這些族譜的深入閱讀和分析,總結出吳與弼對宗族這一組織形式的立場和觀念。這些觀念在和同時期的北方大儒薛瑄相比較之後,其特質就更為明顯了。吳與弼的譜序書寫對象具有強烈的桑梓特色,而且透露出對家族歷史和血緣的異常重視。尤其是宗族先人的理學聯繫更為其所強調,呼應了他和薛瑄在理學網絡的立場上之明顯差異。 Wu Yubi was an active follower of Cheng-Zhu Neo-Confucianism in Jiangxi during the mid-fifteenth century. He was also an important scholar from south China who played a pivotal role in the history of Ming Neo-Confucianism. His hometown, Fuzhou prefecture in Jiangxi, saw a revival of lineage organizations and genealogy writing in the early Ming, and Wu Yubi’s Collection of Kang Studio includes numerous prefaces for the genealogies of Jiangxi lineages. Through a close reading and analysis of these prefaces, this article reconstructs Wu Yubi’s position and ideas on lineages. When we compare Wu’s ideas with those of his contemporary, the Neo- Confucian master Xue Xuan from north China, their differences are very apparent. Wu Yubi’s prefaces strongly emphasized the native-place characteristics of his subjects, and he took a rather firm stand on the history and purity of these lineages. His emphasis on the lineages’ connection to Neo-Confucianism further echoed the stark difference between Xue Xuan and him in their understanding of Neo- Confucians’ networks.
Wu Yubi was an active follower of Cheng-Zhu Neo-Confucianism in Jiangxi during the mid-fifteenth century. He was also an important scholar from south China who played a pivotal role in the history of Ming Neo-Confucianism. His hometown, Fuzhou prefecture in Jiangxi, saw a revival of lineage organizations and genealogy writing in the early Ming, and Wu Yubi’s Collection of Kang Studio includes numerous prefaces for the genealogies of Jiangxi lineages. Through a close reading and analysis of these prefaces, this article reconstructs Wu Yubi’s position and ideas on lineages. When we compare Wu’s ideas with those of his contemporary, the Neo- Confucian master Xue Xuan from north China, their differences are very apparent. Wu Yubi’s prefaces strongly emphasized the native-place characteristics of his subjects, and he took a rather firm stand on the history and purity of these lineages. His emphasis on the lineages’ connection to Neo-Confucianism further echoed the stark difference between Xue Xuan and him in their understanding of Neo- Confucians’ networks.
起訖頁 123-157
關鍵詞 吳與弼理學宗族族譜江西Wu YubiNeo-ConfucianismlineagegenealogyJiangxi
刊名 明代研究  
期數 201612 (27期)
出版單位 中國明代研究學會
該期刊-上一篇 「診斷」徐渭:晚明社會對於狂與病的多元理解
該期刊-下一篇 祇恐遺珠負九淵:明清易代與《偏關志》書寫




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