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Confucians or Knight-Errants: A Discourse on Dao-kun Wang’ s Images of People in Huizhou
作者 連啟元
明代中晚期徽州人物與士人之間的頻繁互動,除了仕宦與文人之外,商人的角色與地位最受重視,因此徽商往往被賦予「士商相雜」的形象,因此「儒賈」與「賈儒」的敘述,成為研究徽商的熱門課題。然而,除了商人形象之外,汪道昆在《太函集》中記載了許多徽州家族、鄉里人物的各種行誼事蹟時,其中以〈儒俠傳〉描繪出方景真「儒」與「俠」的形象,主要是從反駁韓非子「儒以文犯法,俠以武犯禁」的論點開始,進而擴大到對徽州人物「儒俠」精神的論述與形塑。作為徽州著名的官員與文人,汪道昆是如何看待徽州人物的形象?對於人物形象的認同與塑造抱持何種態度?因此,本文即企圖嘗試以〈儒俠傳〉為討論核心,理解汪道昆的心中,對於徽州人物究竟應該賦予何種的「儒俠」形象?而這種「儒俠」的形象,雜糅了哪些精神義理?乃至於影響徽州人物的特質與精神?同時,藉由本文研究探討徽州人物在儒、商的精神之外,是否有「俠」的意識?何以汪道昆要刻意突顯「俠」的意識?進而藉此對徽商、儒商等形象之外的徽州文化特質,進行更多面向的理解。 This essay examines the portrayal of both the spirit and behavior of Huizhou merchants in Wang Dao-kun’s literary work Tai-han ji. The biography Wang wrote on Fang Jing-zhen ( 方景真) portrayed Huizhou figures simultaneously as Confucians and knight-errants. In this reading, Huizhou merchants were motivated to educate themselves in part to improve business opportunities, but also sought to transform themselves through education from simple merchants into members of the educated elite.
This essay examines the portrayal of both the spirit and behavior of Huizhou merchants in Wang Dao-kun’s literary work Tai-han ji. The biography Wang wrote on Fang Jing-zhen ( 方景真) portrayed Huizhou figures simultaneously as Confucians and knight-errants. In this reading, Huizhou merchants were motivated to educate themselves in part to improve business opportunities, but also sought to transform themselves through education from simple merchants into members of the educated elite.
起訖頁 121-140
關鍵詞 儒俠徽州文化汪道昆太函集明代Confucian knight-errant (儒俠)Huizhou (徽州)Wang Dao-kun (汪道昆)Tai-han ji (《太函集》)Ming
刊名 明代研究  
期數 201212 (19期)
出版單位 中國明代研究學會
該期刊-上一篇 寺院與禁山體制:明中葉五臺山的開發(1453-1566)
該期刊-下一篇 古之賢《新安蠹狀》點校并序




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