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Historical Facts of Zheng He’s Voyages Reflected in Weisuo Wuzhi Xuanbu
作者 范金民
收錄在《中國明朝檔案總匯》中的《衛所武職選簿》,至少保留了180餘名跟隨鄭和下西洋的衛所官軍的陞賞情形,於鄭和下西洋研究堪稱彌足珍貴。據此較為原始的檔案,我們可以大致確定鄭和下西洋三次軍事行動的具體年份,較大程度上填補鄭和下西洋官軍的具體人名,獲知鄭和下西洋官軍的主要來源,進而確定其部隊性質。 The Weisuo wuzhi xuanbu (Registration Book of Military Servants of Guards and Battalions) collected in Zhongguo Mingchao dang’an zonghui (Collections of Archives of Ming China) contains information of the awards and promotions for over 180 guard commanders and soldiers who accompanied Zheng He on his voyages. Based on these primary records, it is possible to pinpoint the dates of three major military activities during the voyages, identify soldiers participating in said activities, and trace the origins of the commanders and soldiers, allowing the author to determine the regional breakdown of Zheng He’s armies.
The Weisuo wuzhi xuanbu (Registration Book of Military Servants of Guards and Battalions) collected in Zhongguo Mingchao dang’an zonghui (Collections of Archives of Ming China) contains information of the awards and promotions for over 180 guard commanders and soldiers who accompanied Zheng He on his voyages. Based on these primary records, it is possible to pinpoint the dates of three major military activities during the voyages, identify soldiers participating in said activities, and trace the origins of the commanders and soldiers, allowing the author to determine the regional breakdown of Zheng He’s armies.
起訖頁 33-80
關鍵詞 《衛所武職選簿》鄭和下西洋官軍軍事行動Weisuo wuzhi xuanbuZheng He’s voyagescommanders and soldiersmilitary activities
刊名 明代研究  
期數 200912 (13期)
出版單位 中國明代研究學會
該期刊-上一篇 悼念張德信先生
該期刊-下一篇 「Aytiur」(Aytim)地名釋證:附論早期海澄的對菲貿易




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