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On the Calendrical Studies of the Chongzhen Reign (Chongzhen lishu)
作者 祝平一
本文從前人未曾研究的韓國首爾大學奎章閣所藏之《崇禎曆書》板本,重新考察《崇禎曆書》的內容。本文的新發現為確定《曆引》乃《崇禎曆書》所原有,至於《遠鏡說》、《測食》與《渾天儀說》則可能亦是《崇禎曆書》的一部份。本文並詳細比較《崇禎曆書》與《西洋新法曆書》的封面頁,以理解入清之後湯若望(1591-1666)的改板方式與纂修的人事變遷。 Based on the Kyujangga edition of the Calendrical Studies of the Chongzhen Reign housed in the Seoul National University, this paper investigates the contents of the Calendrical Studies of the Chongzhen Reign. It also compares the front materials of the Calendrical Studies of the Chongzhen Reign and Xiyang xinfalishu (Calendrical Treatises in Accordance with the New Western Methods) in order to understand how Adam Schall von Bell manipulated the front materials to associate the calendrical reform with Christianity. The differences of the front materials in these two collactaneas indicate how the form of a book changes its meaning to the reader.
Based on the Kyujangga edition of the Calendrical Studies of the Chongzhen Reign housed in the Seoul National University, this paper investigates the contents of the Calendrical Studies of the Chongzhen Reign. It also compares the front materials of the Calendrical Studies of the Chongzhen Reign and Xiyang xinfalishu (Calendrical Treatises in Accordance with the New Western Methods) in order to understand how Adam Schall von Bell manipulated the front materials to associate the calendrical reform with Christianity. The differences of the front materials in these two collactaneas indicate how the form of a book changes its meaning to the reader.
起訖頁 133-161
關鍵詞 崇禎曆書西洋新法算書Chongzhen Reign (Chongzhen lishu)Xiyang xinfalishu (Calendrical Treatises in Accordance with the New Western Methods)
刊名 明代研究  
期數 200812 (11期)
出版單位 中國明代研究學會
該期刊-上一篇 鄭樑生教授對嘉靖大倭寇研究的貢獻
該期刊-下一篇 評賴建誠《邊鎮糧餉:明代中後期的邊防經費與國家財政危機,1531-1602》




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