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The Study of Agricultural Production and Biodiversity Preservation
作者 黃文利陳明健
台灣農業在自由貿易下,漸無生產的比較利益,而國際生態保育之呼聲,則使農業必須兼顧生態保育,本文針對農業兼顧生物多樣性進行探討,發現社會最適狀態下,農地的邊際社會價值,應為競爭市場中的農地價格,加上農地提供生物多樣性的邊際效益,因此農地轉用的損失將包括棲息地減少的邊際損失、加上農地的邊際轉用成本、再加上使用者成本,如此才能使棲息地之維護與農地開發符合永續發展之理念。生物多樣性具有公共財之性質,個別農家將因追求利潤極大而不加重視,導致農地價格偏低與棲息地過度開發,有待透過財產權的確認,使農業能兼顧生物多樣性。 Under the trend of trade liberalization and biodiversity preservation, Taiwan's agriculture is losing her comparative advantages in the market and driven to preserve biodiversity in farm practices. This paper thus focused on the study of relationship between agricultural production and biodiversity preservation. A dynamic model was employed to analyze the equilibrium of habitat conservation and land exploitation. The social optimal revealed that the marginal social value of farmland should equal to the land price in the competitive market plus the marginal benefit of biodiversity on farmland. Thus, the loss of farmland conversion to non-farm uses includes the marginal loss of habitat, marginal conversion cost and marginal user cost. The institutional arrangement is then necessary in order to improve present situation toward sustainable development. Biodiversity is one kind of public goods. Farmers seem not interested in preserving biodiversity when they are maximizing their profit. The result is that the price of farmland is lowed, and the habitats will be over-exploited. In the future, the establishment of property right for public goods could be essential to improve the relationship between agricultural production and biodiversity preservation.
Under the trend of trade liberalization and biodiversity preservation, Taiwan's agriculture is losing her comparative advantages in the market and driven to preserve biodiversity in farm practices. This paper thus focused on the study of relationship between agricultural production and biodiversity preservation. A dynamic model was employed to analyze the equilibrium of habitat conservation and land exploitation. The social optimal revealed that the marginal social value of farmland should equal to the land price in the competitive market plus the marginal benefit of biodiversity on farmland. Thus, the loss of farmland conversion to non-farm uses includes the marginal loss of habitat, marginal conversion cost and marginal user cost. The institutional arrangement is then necessary in order to improve present situation toward sustainable development. Biodiversity is one kind of public goods. Farmers seem not interested in preserving biodiversity when they are maximizing their profit. The result is that the price of farmland is lowed, and the habitats will be over-exploited. In the future, the establishment of property right for public goods could be essential to improve the relationship between agricultural production and biodiversity preservation.
起訖頁 1-30
關鍵詞 生物多樣性農地開發棲息地保護永續發展biodiversityland exploitationPreservation of habitatsustainable development
刊名 農業與經濟  
期數 200412 (33期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學農業經濟學系
該期刊-下一篇 農村失業模型的理論與應用:WTO架構下的農業政策




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