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Economic Issues of Irrigation Water Right and Water Market in Taiwan
作者 陳明健
台灣的水資源不但已日漸稀少且屬共有性質,各標的之用水權利目前是以優先權及使用受益權為原則來進行分配。隨著人口成長以及用水需求增加,為了維護水權制度社會所需付出的交易成本與決策成本也隨之上昇,特別是在缺水時期,先、後不同之水權所有者常有紛爭發生,因此政府有介入分配用水的干預機會。本研究應用數學模型由水租的資本化可得知,若水權市場中施行水權租賃與選擇契約,農業部門可望成為都市用水者的最小成本且穩定之供水來源。因此,建立運作良好的水市場不但能減低開發新水源的需要,還可避免將來對環境的不利影響。 Water is an increasingly scarce common resource in Taiwan and is appropriated according to the principle of priority of right and beneficial use. As the population and water demands grow, the transaction or decision cost associate with the establishment of water rights increased. In periods of drought, disagreements between senior and junior appropriators presented opportunities for administrative interventions. This research concluded that water market is crucial for rational and efficient water utilization. A mathematical of model the capitalization of water rent in agriculture sector pointed out that it could be a least cost and a permanent water supplier for urban water companies when water lease and option contract are legalized in the water market. The well-functioning of water market will mitigate the demand for new water constructions and thus environmental disadvantages could be avoided in the future.
Water is an increasingly scarce common resource in Taiwan and is appropriated according to the principle of priority of right and beneficial use. As the population and water demands grow, the transaction or decision cost associate with the establishment of water rights increased. In periods of drought, disagreements between senior and junior appropriators presented opportunities for administrative interventions. This research concluded that water market is crucial for rational and efficient water utilization. A mathematical of model the capitalization of water rent in agriculture sector pointed out that it could be a least cost and a permanent water supplier for urban water companies when water lease and option contract are legalized in the water market. The well-functioning of water market will mitigate the demand for new water constructions and thus environmental disadvantages could be avoided in the future.
起訖頁 1-26
關鍵詞 水市場水權灌溉水Water MarketWater RightIrrigation Water
刊名 農業與經濟  
期數 200306 (30期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學農業經濟學系
該期刊-下一篇 「台美自由貿易協定」的洽簽對我國農漁產業影響之研究




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