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Applying Spatial Hedonic Price Model to Explore the effects of Taiwan High Speed Railway on Land Price
作者 鄒克萬鄭皓騰郭幸福楊宗名
重大運輸設施投資帶動了地區人口、產業與地價之改變,對於區域整體經濟結構與空間發展型態上產生影響,台灣高速鐵路之興建即為一例。綜觀國內相關研究,多數屬預測高鐵開發之影響,雖不乏分析高鐵通車對於地方之影響,但就分析對象上多僅針對單一場站或單一年度進行驗證,以至無法兼具整體性與系統性探討高鐵之實際影響。爰此,為反映高鐵對於地價之影響,本文使用地價指數漲幅作為衡量影響效果之指標,藉由建構空間誤差模式以探討兩者間之關係,除探究高鐵營運前後對於地價指數漲幅之影響,並比較各場站之影響差異。研究結果顯示,隨著高鐵開發至營運的過程中,高鐵場站對於周圍鄉鎮市之地價漲幅指數有不同的影響,凸顯高鐵對於土地價格確實有影響效果存在。而高鐵對於地價所帶來之影響則會受到場站周邊地區發展條件而有差異。藉由本文之研究結果,以期作為重大運輸建設與區域規劃之參考。 Capital investment in transportation, such as Taiwan High Speed Railway (THSR), brings many significant impacts not only population growth, industrial development and land price at a local level, but the economical structure and spatial development pattern at a regional level. Reviewing past domestic studies, many of them predicted the impacts of THSR. Some studies had discussed the impact of THSR on local development. However, these studies usually used single station or a specific year to verify and thereby the results could not have a systematical and whole discussion. As a result, this paper used the land price indexes as analysis data to reveal the impact of THSR and applied spatial error model to explore the impacts of THSR on land price in Taiwan’s towns along with THSR. All the THSR stations might be analyzed in four selected years. Moreover, a comparative analysis between different stations was conducted in this paper. The result showed the different influence in selected years, revealing the effects of THSR on land price. More importantly, the effects were affected by the existing development near the stations. The result findings could support governments for transportation investment and regional development.
Capital investment in transportation, such as Taiwan High Speed Railway (THSR), brings many significant impacts not only population growth, industrial development and land price at a local level, but the economical structure and spatial development pattern at a regional level. Reviewing past domestic studies, many of them predicted the impacts of THSR. Some studies had discussed the impact of THSR on local development. However, these studies usually used single station or a specific year to verify and thereby the results could not have a systematical and whole discussion. As a result, this paper used the land price indexes as analysis data to reveal the impact of THSR and applied spatial error model to explore the impacts of THSR on land price in Taiwan’s towns along with THSR. All the THSR stations might be analyzed in four selected years. Moreover, a comparative analysis between different stations was conducted in this paper. The result showed the different influence in selected years, revealing the effects of THSR on land price. More importantly, the effects were affected by the existing development near the stations. The result findings could support governments for transportation investment and regional development.
起訖頁 47-66
關鍵詞 高速鐵路地價空間誤差模式High-Speed RailwayLand PricesSpatial Error Model
刊名 建築與規劃學報  
期數 201306 (14:1期)
出版單位 中華大學建築與都市計畫學系
該期刊-上一篇 高雄地區住宅特徵與住宅環境的重視程度對居住滿意度之影響




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