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作者 周榮昌王培龍林建文
公共自行車是一種供個體自由在不同場站借還車的自行車租賃系統,配合大眾運輸站點設置,已成為一種新興的綠色運輸方式。雖然以公共自行車租賃系統作為「最後一哩」之轉乘運具,可以達到節能減碳之效果。惟租賃金額是影響民眾使用公共自行車之重要因素。本研究嘗試以使用者觀點出發,探討民眾對於公共自行車租賃租金之願付價格,調查對象係以搭乘捷運並轉乘使用公共自行車使用者為主。研究方法以條件評估法(CVM)為基礎,進一步利用Spike模式研究在不同距離及費率水準條件下,捷運搭乘者對於公共自行車租金之願付價格。研究結果可作為後續經營業者於營運上策略研擬的參考,亦可作為國內其它縣市推動公共自行車政策的重要參考依據。 Public Bike System is a category of green transport system in which individuals can lend and return bicycles freely at any station located in the city. The PBS stations are usually set up surrounding public transportation stations. Although the public bicycle rental system, last mile of one trip, can achieve the effect of carbon reduction, the amount of rent is an important factor that influences people to use. This study attempts to explore the willingness to pay of the public bicycle rental system from the user s viewpoints. This study focuses on the MRTs passengers who will transfer to the PBS. The methodology used in this study is based on the Contingent Valuation Method and the spike model. The willingness to pay of MRTs passengers for using the public bicycle rental is obtained after estimating the spike model. The results can served as an important reference which can promote the use of public bicycle in other cities in Taiwan.
Public Bike System is a category of green transport system in which individuals can lend and return bicycles freely at any station located in the city. The PBS stations are usually set up surrounding public transportation stations. Although the public bicycle rental system, last mile of one trip, can achieve the effect of carbon reduction, the amount of rent is an important factor that influences people to use. This study attempts to explore the willingness to pay of the public bicycle rental system from the user s viewpoints. This study focuses on the MRTs passengers who will transfer to the PBS. The methodology used in this study is based on the Contingent Valuation Method and the spike model. The willingness to pay of MRTs passengers for using the public bicycle rental is obtained after estimating the spike model. The results can served as an important reference which can promote the use of public bicycle in other cities in Taiwan.
起訖頁 165-189
關鍵詞 公共自行車Spike模式公共自行車租賃租金願付價格假設性市場評估Public bikeSpike modelWTPCVM
刊名 運輸計劃季刊  
期數 201706 (46:2期)
出版單位 交通部運輸研究所
該期刊-上一篇 LNG燃料船用於臺灣近海航運之環境效益分析
該期刊-下一篇 電動車共享系統車隊布署最佳化模式




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