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A Model and Solution Algorithm for Evaluating Transportation Construction Projects-Application on Small/Medium Transportation Construction Projects
作者 顏上堯周榮昌李其灃
目前現行之交通建設計畫評選模式,由於政治力介入與規劃評估不切實際,使得原有之評選模式常流於形式,故本研究針對目前交通建設計畫之特性,並且考慮交通投資計畫間之相關性,建立一整體性規劃之交通建設計畫評選模式。此模式可定式為一0-1整數規劃問題,由於具NP-complete之特性,難以求得大型問題的最佳解,所以本研究發展二種啟發解法以有效率地求取近似最佳解,期能幫助地方政府在有限資源下篩選出最佳之交通建設投資組合。為評估模式與解法的效果,本研究以中小型交通建設為研究對象,進行不同範例之測試與分析,測試結果良好。 With political intervene and the impractical traditional planning practice, the existing evaluation models for traffic constructions are usually not satisfactory. Considering the correlation between alternatives, we attempt to develop a model useful for evaluating traffic construction projects. The model is formulated as a zero-one integer program that is characterized as NP-complete and is difficult to be optimally solved for large-scale problems. We develop two heuristic algorithms to solve the problem efficiently. The model is expected to assist governments in choosing optimum investing combinations of transportation construction projects under budget and project correlation constraints. In order to evaluate the model and the solution algorithms, we perform computational tests. The preliminary results were impressive.
With political intervene and the impractical traditional planning practice, the existing evaluation models for traffic constructions are usually not satisfactory. Considering the correlation between alternatives, we attempt to develop a model useful for evaluating traffic construction projects. The model is formulated as a zero-one integer program that is characterized as NP-complete and is difficult to be optimally solved for large-scale problems. We develop two heuristic algorithms to solve the problem efficiently. The model is expected to assist governments in choosing optimum investing combinations of transportation construction projects under budget and project correlation constraints. In order to evaluate the model and the solution algorithms, we perform computational tests. The preliminary results were impressive.
起訖頁 143-170
關鍵詞 交通建設評選模式0-1整數規劃問題啟發解法Transportation construction projectsEvaluation modelsZero-one integer programHeuristic algorithm
刊名 運輸計劃季刊  
期數 200203 (31:1期)
出版單位 交通部運輸研究所
該期刊-上一篇 定期貨櫃航線設計之研究
該期刊-下一篇 汽車運送業拖車途程問題之研究




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