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A Bilevel Programming Model for Planning High Speed Rail Service
作者 李治綱 (Chi-Kang Lee)謝汶進
本研究應用雙層次數學規劃建構鐵路列車服務設計模式,並對台灣高速鐵路之個案範例進行測試,以反映模式之功能與特性。對於高速鐵路營運者而言,服務設計之過程需要了解旅客對於其服務方式之可能反應,期能選取對營運績效最好之服務計畫。對於旅行者而言,通常只在現行之鐵路運輸服務中做選擇,並不思考其行為對鐵路營運者之影響。因此,本文以雙層次規劃反映營運者與旅客之不同觀點與關係;其中,旅客選擇之列車需求模式為列車服務設計模式之下層問題,營運者之列車服務選擇為上層問題。下層次問題中之旅行成本受到上層問題中列車服務變數之影響,上層次問題中營運績效受到下層次問題中服務選擇之影響。本研究以敏感度分析為基礎之演算法來求解雙層次規劃問題,最後並利用範例詳盡地說明模式與求解方法之適用性。 The paper presents a service design model for Taiwan high-speed rail. The modeling framework explicitly considers both the passenger’s and the operator’s viewpoints in a bi-level program. The demand model of passenger’s service choice is the lower level problem, and the supply model of operator’s service planning is the upper level problem. The passenger’s choice is to estimate the train demand for each service type. The service design problem aims to choose the stop pattern and frequency of train service. The sensitivity analysis-based algorithm is used to solve the bi-level problem. In addition, the proposed model is tested with the practical data of Taiwan high-speed rail, to show the effectiveness of the model.
The paper presents a service design model for Taiwan high-speed rail. The modeling framework explicitly considers both the passenger’s and the operator’s viewpoints in a bi-level program. The demand model of passenger’s service choice is the lower level problem, and the supply model of operator’s service planning is the upper level problem. The passenger’s choice is to estimate the train demand for each service type. The service design problem aims to choose the stop pattern and frequency of train service. The sensitivity analysis-based algorithm is used to solve the bi-level problem. In addition, the proposed model is tested with the practical data of Taiwan high-speed rail, to show the effectiveness of the model.
起訖頁 95-122
關鍵詞 高速鐵路列車服務設計雙層式規劃High-speed railTrain service planningBi-level programming
刊名 運輸計劃季刊  
期數 200203 (31:1期)
出版單位 交通部運輸研究所
該期刊-上一篇 高速公路匝道流量控制模式之研究
該期刊-下一篇 定期貨櫃航線設計之研究




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