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Optimum Toll and Economic Benefit Evaluation under the Electronic Road Pricing at Ramps of the Expressway
作者 賴禎秀吳志仁
本文假設通勤者之通勤路徑除了收費之高速公路外,尚存在一條免費通行之平行替代道路可供選擇。在高速公路通勤尖峰時段實施匝道電子收費制之背景假設下,推導出高速公路在通勤時段之最佳費率模式。該費率模式涵蓋兩大部分:其一為每部行駛高速公路之車輛依其行駛里程之多寡所應繳納之用路基本費;其二為確保高速公路效率使用所應收取之擁擠費,該擁擠費乃是屬於車流量等於道路設計容量時所應收取之階梯式擁擠收費架構。本文同時評估高速公路在實施匝道電子收費後可能帶來之經濟效益,該經濟效益指標乃是考量最佳費率實施後所預期減少與增加之社會成本後所得之結果,以供政府相關單位參考。 This paper assumes that except for the tolled expressway, there still exists one alternative free road for all commuters that they can choose to reach their workplaces. Then we derive the optimal toll scheme under the electronic road pricing system (ERPS) at ramps of the expressway. The optimal toll for the expressway includes two parts of fare: First, a basic charge according to the length that each road user has driven along the expressway. Second, congestion tolls paid by the road user to ensure the efficient use of the expressway. The step congestion toll scheme are levied under the condition that the traffic flow is equal to the road capacity. This paper also evaluates the economic benefit from the ERPS at ramps of the expressway. The evaluation result is obtained by comparing the increased and decreased social costs that happened after implementing the optimum toll on the expressway. The result of the economic benefit will be objectively evaluated for the authority’s references.
This paper assumes that except for the tolled expressway, there still exists one alternative free road for all commuters that they can choose to reach their workplaces. Then we derive the optimal toll scheme under the electronic road pricing system (ERPS) at ramps of the expressway. The optimal toll for the expressway includes two parts of fare: First, a basic charge according to the length that each road user has driven along the expressway. Second, congestion tolls paid by the road user to ensure the efficient use of the expressway. The step congestion toll scheme are levied under the condition that the traffic flow is equal to the road capacity. This paper also evaluates the economic benefit from the ERPS at ramps of the expressway. The evaluation result is obtained by comparing the increased and decreased social costs that happened after implementing the optimum toll on the expressway. The result of the economic benefit will be objectively evaluated for the authority’s references.
起訖頁 37-58
關鍵詞 匝道電子收費制擁擠收費經濟效益RampElectronic road pricing systemCongestion tollEconomic benefit
刊名 運輸計劃季刊  
期數 200203 (31:1期)
出版單位 交通部運輸研究所
該期刊-上一篇 包容性深廣度搜尋法在週期性車輛路線問題之應用
該期刊-下一篇 高速公路匝道流量控制模式之研究




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