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Exploration of poetry by Wang Anshi and Su Shi in Song Shi Jing Hua Lu by Qing Dynasty Chen Yan
作者 林宜陵
清代「同治」、「光緒」兩朝在王朝面臨困境時,興起了不滿王士禎「神韻說」沈德潛「格調說」,「不墨守盛唐」的「同光體」宗宋風潮,以陳衍為代表的閩派同光體為主流。本文藉由陳衍在《宋詩精華錄》對於蘇軾與王安石詩作的選錄,探討陳衍同光體詩論形成的可能政治因素,所宗之唐宋詩傳承「開元」、「元和」、「元祐」三代中「元祐」詩歌風格形成相似的背景因素。本文先就陳衍《宋詩精華錄》創作背景說明,進一步比較「同光體」與「元祐體」形成朝代背景因素,再藉由分論陳衍所選「王安石」與「蘇軾」詩作分析陳衍詩歌選錄的政治訊息,獲得「同光體」主張形成的政治背景線索,並且瞭解陳衍在《宋詩精華錄》中評論「王安石」與「蘇軾」二人時抱持不批評熙寧變法的立場,與支持維新的立場相同,最終瞭解《宋詩精華錄》選錄的政治立場是支持熙寧變法的。本文並補正陳衍《宋詩精華錄》對於王安石〈題西太一宮壁二首〉誤為罷相之後所作。與〈明妃曲二首〉誤為神宗時期所作的錯置時代失誤。並且更正曹中孚先生對於《宋詩精華錄》中蘇軾收錄作品的數量統計。 When the Qing Dynasty faced difficulties under the reigns of Tongzhi and Guangxu, the pro-Song trend arose in opposition to Wang Shizhen’s “theory of romantic charm,” ShenDeqian’s “theory of character,” and “Tongguang form” that does not conform to the high Tang.” Among them, the Tongguang form of Min School represented by Chen was the mainstream. This paper uses Chen Yan’s selections of poetry by Su Shi and Wang AnshiinSong Shi Jing Hua Lu to explore the possible political factors for the formation of Chen Yan’s Tongguang form poetic theory,and the background factors similar to the poetic style to that of Yuanyou, in the three dynasties of Kaiyuan, Yuanhe, and Yuanyou from Tang and Song poetry. This paper first explains the creative background of Chen Yan’s Song Shi Jing Hua Lu, further comparing the dynastic background factors in “Tongguang form” and “Yuanyou form,” then uses the poems by Wang Anshi and Su Shi selected by Chen Yan to discuss the political message in these selections, in order to gain the political background clues about the formation of the “Tongguang form” assertions, and to understand Chen Yan’s discussion in Song Shi Jing Hua Lu of Wang Anshiand Su Shi in not criticizing Xining Reforms being the same as supporting the reforms. Finally, this paper concludes that the political position of the selection Song Shi Jing Hua Lu means a support of Xining Reforms. This paper also supplements Chen Yan’s mistaken view that Wang Anshi’s “Ti Xi Tai Yi Gong Bi ErShou” was written after he was removed from his post as prime minister in Song Shi Jing Hua Lu,and the misplacement of “Ming FeiQuErShou” as written under the reign of Shenzong. This paper also corrects Mr. Cao Zhongfu’s accounting of the number of works by Su Shi collected in Song Shi Jing Hua Lu.
When the Qing Dynasty faced difficulties under the reigns of Tongzhi and Guangxu, the pro-Song trend arose in opposition to Wang Shizhen’s “theory of romantic charm,” ShenDeqian’s “theory of character,” and “Tongguang form” that does not conform to the high Tang.” Among them, the Tongguang form of Min School represented by Chen was the mainstream. This paper uses Chen Yan’s selections of poetry by Su Shi and Wang AnshiinSong Shi Jing Hua Lu to explore the possible political factors for the formation of Chen Yan’s Tongguang form poetic theory,and the background factors similar to the poetic style to that of Yuanyou, in the three dynasties of Kaiyuan, Yuanhe, and Yuanyou from Tang and Song poetry. This paper first explains the creative background of Chen Yan’s Song Shi Jing Hua Lu, further comparing the dynastic background factors in “Tongguang form” and “Yuanyou form,” then uses the poems by Wang Anshi and Su Shi selected by Chen Yan to discuss the political message in these selections, in order to gain the political background clues about the formation of the “Tongguang form” assertions, and to understand Chen Yan’s discussion in Song Shi Jing Hua Lu of Wang Anshiand Su Shi in not criticizing Xining Reforms being the same as supporting the reforms. Finally, this paper concludes that the political position of the selection Song Shi Jing Hua Lu means a support of Xining Reforms. This paper also supplements Chen Yan’s mistaken view that Wang Anshi’s “Ti Xi Tai Yi Gong Bi ErShou” was written after he was removed from his post as prime minister in Song Shi Jing Hua Lu,and the misplacement of “Ming FeiQuErShou” as written under the reign of Shenzong. This paper also corrects Mr. Cao Zhongfu’s accounting of the number of works by Su Shi collected in Song Shi Jing Hua Lu.
起訖頁 51-75
關鍵詞 陳衍王安石蘇軾宋詩精華錄Chen YanWang AnshiSu ShiSong Shi Jing Hua Lu
刊名 臺北大學中文學報  
期數 201709 (22期)
出版單位 國立臺北大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 身體意識、存在焦慮與轉為道用──白居易詩的疾病書寫與自我治療
該期刊-下一篇 文學改編、視覺隱喻與京劇影射——論白先勇小說〈玉卿嫂〉與「孫白本」《玉卿嫂》的敘事轉換




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