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The revolt of Li Ch'iao "Spring of Lan cai xia"
作者 李蕙如
台灣文學作家李喬於一九八五年的著作《藍彩霞的春天》中,呈顯出一部微縮的台灣妓女悲史。在金錢與暴力的制約中,貧窮與柔弱成了強權壓迫的對象。小說中的主角「藍彩霞」,無法抵抗貧窮的命運,被父親所賣,淪落風塵。作者所描繪的悲壯心聲,實乃意欲讀者能夠從一個充斥著「妓的世界」裡思考某種社會倫理。不論是父與子,或是龜公、龜婆與妓女,甚至是妓女與嫖客間,皆存在相對的強權與弱勢的對抗。然而,以「藍彩霞」的人物塑型來說,其經歷與心態轉變是鮮明的:從受迫害、到屈從,終有反抗,這也是李喬所強調的反抗哲學。化用海德格的說法,只有人能夠尋找存在,對存在發生疑問,並了解存在。人之所以為人,是因為人有了解存在的本領。如此正可以推論出人的本質就含有「反抗」!是故,書名中的「春天」二字亦可視為心靈上的救贖,顯現反抗後的結果。 "Spring of Lan cai xia " namely assumed appears the Taiwan prostitute sad history which micro shrank. In the money and in the violence restriction, was poor and has delicately become the might oppression object. The author describes the solemn and stirring aspiration, is solid is cares for the reader to be able to flood "prostitute's world" from in to ponder some kind of social ethics. However, by "blue pink clouds" the character model said that, its experience and the point of view transformation are bright: From receives persecutes, to the compromise, finally has the revolt, this also is the revolt philosophy which Li Ch'iao emphasized. Melts with Heidegger's view, only some people can seek the existence, has the question to the existence, and understanding existence. The human therefore the manner, is because the person has the understanding existence the ability. So may deduce person's essence to include "the revolt"! Therefore, in book title "spring" two characters also visible for mind in redeeming, the self- revolt, is the true noble great revolt, also only then truly causes oneself, enable the other people to obtain redeems.
"Spring of Lan cai xia " namely assumed appears the Taiwan prostitute sad history which micro shrank. In the money and in the violence restriction, was poor and has delicately become the might oppression object. The author describes the solemn and stirring aspiration, is solid is cares for the reader to be able to flood "prostitute's world" from in to ponder some kind of social ethics. However, by "blue pink clouds" the character model said that, its experience and the point of view transformation are bright: From receives persecutes, to the compromise, finally has the revolt, this also is the revolt philosophy which Li Ch'iao emphasized. Melts with Heidegger's view, only some people can seek the existence, has the question to the existence, and understanding existence. The human therefore the manner, is because the person has the understanding existence the ability. So may deduce person's essence to include "the revolt"! Therefore, in book title "spring" two characters also visible for mind in redeeming, the self- revolt, is the true noble great revolt, also only then truly causes oneself, enable the other people to obtain redeems.
起訖頁 1-13
關鍵詞 屈從反抗李喬藍彩霞的春天revoltLi Ch'ian Spring of Lan cai xia
刊名 臺北大學中文學報  
期數 201509 (18期)
出版單位 國立臺北大學中國文學系
該期刊-下一篇 《清華三.周公之琴舞.成王敬毖》第八篇研究




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