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Back to Heaven: Study on Wang Zheng's Poem Responding to Tao Yuanming
作者 蔡淑閔
王徵是明末清初著名的天主教徒,在他的作品中,有幾篇文學作品相當特殊,皆是唱和前人之作,其中有一篇〈和陶靖節先生歸去來辭〉,即是唱和陶淵明〈歸去來兮辭〉。「和陶」從蘇軾開始,在宋代大為流行,其後元明清亦是,「陶淵明」成為文人士子在出處進退之間理想人格與理想生活的文化符號。王徵的和陶辭與前代文人的不同在於:在多數被貶抑的文人中,對於黑暗的政治多有描寫,也多抒發悲苦抑鬱的心情,期待透過歸回田園得到精神的超脫,「陶淵明」也成為他們理想的寄託。即使是透過道家或佛教思想而超脫世俗的榮辱,但基本上都是追求在「此岸世界」的超脫。至於王徵的和陶辭,雖然在題目及用韻上顯示出對陶淵明的企慕,但在內容上,不僅不談對陶淵明的崇拜,也不談歸回田園之樂,只是談人生的歸向──返抵天鄉。如何返抵天鄉?他不厭其煩的強調要兢兢業業、勤奮不懈的在此生行善,而這樣的思想也實踐在他晚年的生活中。王徵即使年近七十,除了「昕夕焚香」、「誠心默禱」的早晚課外,也從事著述傳教、集資建立天主堂、興辦慈善團體以救濟窮乏、組織鄉兵以自衛等等工作,真真切切踐履「畏天愛人」思想於其生活中。王徵的和陶辭是天主教文學的展現,而他的晚年生活也讓我們看到了一個天主教徒的真實信仰風貌。 Wang Zheng is a famous Catholic in late Ming and early Qing Dynasty. In his works, there are several literary works quite special. They are all in respond to the works of their predecessors. One of them, "He Tao Jing Jie Xian Sheng Gui Qu Lai Ci ," is responding Tao Yuanming 's "Gui Qu Lai Xi Ci." "Poetry Responding to Tao Yuanming," from the beginning of Su Shi, in the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties was popular. Tao Yuan-ming became the cultural symbol of ideal personality and ideal life in the literati between the advance and retreat in the literati scholar's origin. The difference between Wang Zheng's poem and his predecessors is that: Among the most discredited scholars, there are many descriptions of dark politics, more depressed mood of depression, looked forward to return to pastoral through the spirit of detachment. "Tao Yuan-ming" has also become their ideal sustenance. Even they transcend the secular honor or disgrace through Taoism or Buddhist thought, but basically is the pursuit of "this world" detached. As for Wang Zheng's poem, although the subject and the rhyme shows the admirers of Tao Yuanming, but in content, not only talked about the worship of Tao Yuanming, but talked back to the pastoral joy, just talked about the return of life: back to Heaven. How to back to Heaven, he patiently stressed to be conscientious and diligent in this life do good. Such thoughts are also practiced in his later life. Wang Zheng even is near seventy, in addition to "morning and evening incense" and "sincerely silent prayer" of the morning and evening classes, but also engaged in the missionary, fundraising the establishment of Catholic Church, charity organizations to help the poor, the organization of rural self-defense. He truly practiced of "the Awe of Heaven and the Care of Human Beings" thinking in his life. Wang Zheng's poem is a manifestation of Catholic literature, and his later life also allows us to see a Catholic beliefs of the true style.
Wang Zheng is a famous Catholic in late Ming and early Qing Dynasty. In his works, there are several literary works quite special. They are all in respond to the works of their predecessors. One of them, "He Tao Jing Jie Xian Sheng Gui Qu Lai Ci ," is responding Tao Yuanming 's "Gui Qu Lai Xi Ci." "Poetry Responding to Tao Yuanming," from the beginning of Su Shi, in the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties was popular. Tao Yuan-ming became the cultural symbol of ideal personality and ideal life in the literati between the advance and retreat in the literati scholar's origin. The difference between Wang Zheng's poem and his predecessors is that: Among the most discredited scholars, there are many descriptions of dark politics, more depressed mood of depression, looked forward to return to pastoral through the spirit of detachment. "Tao Yuan-ming" has also become their ideal sustenance. Even they transcend the secular honor or disgrace through Taoism or Buddhist thought, but basically is the pursuit of "this world" detached. As for Wang Zheng's poem, although the subject and the rhyme shows the admirers of Tao Yuanming, but in content, not only talked about the worship of Tao Yuanming, but talked back to the pastoral joy, just talked about the return of life: back to Heaven. How to back to Heaven, he patiently stressed to be conscientious and diligent in this life do good. Such thoughts are also practiced in his later life. Wang Zheng even is near seventy, in addition to "morning and evening incense" and "sincerely silent prayer" of the morning and evening classes, but also engaged in the missionary, fundraising the establishment of Catholic Church, charity organizations to help the poor, the organization of rural self-defense. He truly practiced of "the Awe of Heaven and the Care of Human Beings" thinking in his life. Wang Zheng's poem is a manifestation of Catholic literature, and his later life also allows us to see a Catholic beliefs of the true style.
起訖頁 69-96
關鍵詞 王徵畏天愛人和陶辭天主教文學Wang Zhengthe Awe of Heaven and the Care of Human BeingsPoetry Responding to Tao YuanmingCatholic literature
刊名 漢學研究集刊  
期數 201806 (26期)
出版單位 國立雲林科技大學漢學應用研究所
該期刊-上一篇 論明代公案小說集惡僧故事的承衍與改寫
該期刊-下一篇 「選詩定篇」與「論述存說」──沈德潛建構詩學史觀雙軌並進之策略及其意義




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