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Theanalysis of components and sources of Sato Haruo's "Hoshi" - a rewritten story of Tan Sann Goo-niu
作者 李姿瑩
日本作家佐藤春夫(1892-1964)被稱為日本最早的「二十世紀」作家,並與谷崎潤一郎、芥川龍之介,同為大正時期最活躍的作家,佐藤春夫在1920年來臺遊歷三個月,並到中國大陸旅行,回國後以此經歷發表系列相關作品,佐藤春夫於1921年1月以〈黃五娘〉為題,發表他結束臺閩之旅之後的第一篇作品,後又三月改題《星》出版,《星》是佐藤春夫在漳州旅行期間所聽聞的著名閩南傳說故事「陳三五娘」所做的改寫,過去被認為是陳三五娘故事的版本流變之一,或是認為其是脫出傳統陳三五娘故事而充滿東洋美學的新胎,肯定其獨創性。本文透過情節對照分析,《星》與最早《荔鏡傳》與戲曲《荔鏡記》的大團圓結局相異的情節,發現分散於歌仔冊、民間故事、劇本、清代筆記之中,並以「佐藤春夫的臺閩之旅與《星》、《荔鏡傳》」、「《荔鏡記》以及陳三五娘相關唱本」、「佐藤春夫《星》新創情節來源比較研究」進行論述,期以呈現佐藤春夫所作之《星》其素材運用的脈絡與情況。 Sato Haruo(1892-1964) is known as earliest "20 century novelist". With Tanizaki Junichrio, Ryunosuke Akutagawa, they were most vigorous writers in Taisho era. Sato toured in Taiwan for three months, and went to China for traveling. After Haruo went back to Japan, he published several articles that related to his journey. January 1921, he issued a story which was titled as Huang Wu Niang (黃五娘), the first work after the Taiwan and Min traveling. Three months later, the title changed to Hoshi (星) and published the novel. Hoshi was a rewritten story which was based on a Southern Min tale what he had heard in his journey. It was considered as one of the various copies of the tale, but some acknowledged that Haruo had reformed the original story, which made the story filled with oriental atmosphere and had its own authenticity. In this article, the differences in plots and endings between Hoshi and Li Jing Zhuan (荔鏡傳) has been compared and analyzed, by scrutinizing the components in dossiers, Taiwanese opera plays, folk tales, scripts and Biji (s) (筆記) of Qing dynasty. Furthermore, studies such as "Sato Haruo's traveling in Taiwan and Min and the article Hoshi and Li Jing Zhuan (佐藤春夫的臺閩之旅與《星》、《荔鏡傳》)", "Tale of the Lychee Mirror (荔鏡記) and the lyrics books related to Tan Sann Goo-niu (陳三五娘)" and "the study and comparison of sources of the originality plots of Hoshi (佐藤春夫《星》新創情節來源比較研究)" has been dissected and cited, to illustrate the usage and origin of the elements in Sato Haruo's story.
Sato Haruo(1892-1964)is known as earliest "20 century novelist". With Tanizaki Junichrio, Ryunosuke Akutagawa, they were most vigorous writers in Taisho era. Sato toured in Taiwan for three months, and went to China for traveling. After Haruo went back to Japan, he published several articles that related to his journey. January 1921, he issued a story which was titled as Huang Wu Niang (黃五娘), the first work after the Taiwan and Min traveling. Three months later, the title changed to Hoshi (星) and published the novel. Hoshi was a rewritten story which was based on a Southern Min tale what he had heard in his journey. It was considered as one of the various copies of the tale, but some acknowledged that Haruo had reformed the original story, which made the story filled with oriental atmosphere and had its own authenticity. In this article, the differences in plots and endings between Hoshi and Li Jing Zhuan (荔鏡傳) has been compared and analyzed, by scrutinizing the components in dossiers, Taiwanese opera plays, folk tales, scripts and Biji (s) (筆記) of Qing dynasty. Furthermore, studies such as "Sato Haruo's traveling in Taiwan and Min and the article Hoshi and Li Jing Zhuan (佐藤春夫的臺閩之旅與《星》、《荔鏡傳》)", "Tale of the Lychee Mirror (荔鏡記) and the lyrics books related to Tan Sann Goo-niu (陳三五娘)" and "the study and comparison of sources of the originality plots of Hoshi (佐藤春夫《星》新創情節來源比較研究)" has been dissected and cited, to illustrate the usage and origin of the elements in Sato Haruo's story.
起訖頁 1-34
關鍵詞 佐藤春夫《星》陳三五娘歌仔冊殖民地之旅Sato HaruoHoshiTan Sann Goo-niuTaiwanese opera playstour in colony
刊名 漢學研究集刊  
期數 201806 (26期)
出版單位 國立雲林科技大學漢學應用研究所
該期刊-下一篇 論明代公案小說集惡僧故事的承衍與改寫




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