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Legitimating Western Han Imperial Authority by Appealing to Narratives from the Chinese Classics
作者 吳智雄
西漢的政權正當性事件,常伴隨經典意義的應用,是以結合二者,當可探討事件性質與經典意義的影響關係及其互涉意義,進而為漢人所謂「通經致用」之說提供實證的基礎。西漢每一帝朝皆曾發生多寡不一的政權正當性事件,其中與經典意義應用有關者,計有爭儲立嗣與廢反冒名兩大種類,其下再分爭儲、謀反、冒名、廢黜等四種屬性。牽涉的具體事件有:景帝朝廢栗太子、景帝朝梁孝王武爭嗣、宣帝以流落民間的武帝曾孫身分入繼大位、成帝朝定陶王欣與中山王興的爭立太子、武帝朝淮南王安與衡山王賜謀反、昭帝朝冒名衛太子一案、昭宣之際霍光立廢昌邑王賀等事件。所涉及的經典意義則有《詩》、《書》、《禮》、《春秋》之義,其中以《春秋》之義的應用最多,面向也最廣,《禮》義與《書》義則次之。《春秋》是王道之書,《禮》與《書》關涉宗法制度,三者皆適用於政權正當性事件。事件內容如涉及國君、太子的議立與廢黜,經典意義的效用便會因該義是否符合當權者的主觀意志而變動不定;但若無上述因素,則經典意義皆能發揮其權威性的效度。是以整體而言,在西漢政權正當性事件中,經典意義乃為有效度的應用。 Chinese classical narratives often guided discussions about incidents that threatened the legitimacy of Western Han imperial authority. The relationship and inter-reference of the incidents and narratives provided the basis for the practical application of classical texts. Every Western Han emperor had to deal with certain events that threatened their rules such as military uprisings, competition for the throne, the deposition of the emperor, and imposters posing as the heir apparent. The most serious such incidents that occurred in the Western Han included: the rebellions of Prince Liu An of Huainan 淮南王劉安, Prince Liu Si of Hengshan 衡 山王劉賜, Prince Liu Pi of Wu 吳王劉濞, and Prince Liu Dan of Yan 燕 王劉旦 that were aimed at deposing the emperor; the machinations of Prince Liu Wuxi of Liang 梁孝王劉武西 to become the heir apparent to Emperor Jing 景帝; the competition between Prince Liu Xin of Dingtao 定陶王劉欣 and Prince Liu Xing of Zhongshan 中山王劉興 to be installed as heir apparent to Emperor Cheng 成帝; the ascension of Emperor Xuan 宣帝, the great grandson of Emperor Wu 武帝, who grew up a commoner but successfully took back the throne; the demotion of the heir apparent Prince Li 栗太子 by Emperor Jing; the scheme of an ambitious imposter trying to pass off as heir apparent Wei 衛 during Emperor Zhao's 昭帝 reign; and Minister Huo Guang's 霍光 demotion of Prince Liu He of Changyi 昌邑王劉賀. In their deliberations over these incidents, political actors invoked classical narratives from the Classic of Poetry 詩經, the Book of Documents 尚書, the Book of Rites 禮記, and the Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋. Among these classical texts, the Spring and Autumn Annals was the most often mentioned with the Book of Rites following second. The Spring and Autumn Annals preached the teaching of kings, whereas the Book of Rites recorded ancient rites, social forms and court ceremonies. Both texts provided theoretical background for conducting deep analyses of the legitimacy of imperial authority. Although these classical narratives most often served the needs of those in power concerning matters pertinent to the installation or demotion of the heir apparent, many still looked to them as guides. In general, with respect to the legitimacy of Western Han rule, decisions were usually based on the teachings contained in classical narratives.
Chinese classical narratives often guided discussions about incidents that threatened the legitimacy of Western Han imperial authority. The relationship and inter-reference of the incidents and narratives provided the basis for the practical application of classical texts. Every Western Han emperor had to deal with certain events that threatened their rules such as military uprisings, competition for the throne, the deposition of the emperor, and imposters posing as the heir apparent. The most serious such incidents that occurred in the Western Han included: the rebellions of Prince Liu An of Huainan 淮南王劉安, Prince Liu Si of Hengshan 衡 山王劉賜, Prince Liu Pi of Wu 吳王劉濞, and Prince Liu Dan of Yan 燕 王劉旦 that were aimed at deposing the emperor; the machinations of Prince Liu Wuxi of Liang 梁孝王劉武西 to become the heir apparent to Emperor Jing 景帝; the competition between Prince Liu Xin of Dingtao 定陶王劉欣 and Prince Liu Xing of Zhongshan 中山王劉興 to be installed as heir apparent to Emperor Cheng 成帝; the ascension of Emperor Xuan 宣帝, the great grandson of Emperor Wu 武帝, who grew up a commoner but successfully took back the throne; the demotion of the heir apparent Prince Li 栗太子 by Emperor Jing; the scheme of an ambitious imposter trying to pass off as heir apparent Wei 衛 during Emperor Zhao's 昭帝 reign; and Minister Huo Guang's 霍光 demotion of Prince Liu He of Changyi 昌邑王劉賀. In their deliberations over these incidents, political actors invoked classical narratives from the Classic of Poetry 詩經, the Book of Documents 尚書, the Book of Rites 禮記, and the Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋. Among these classical texts, the Spring and Autumn Annals was the most often mentioned with the Book of Rites following second. The Spring and Autumn Annals preached the teaching of kings, whereas the Book of Rites recorded ancient rites, social forms and court ceremonies. Both texts provided theoretical background for conducting deep analyses of the legitimacy of imperial authority. Although these classical narratives most often served the needs of those in power concerning matters pertinent to the installation or demotion of the heir apparent, many still looked to them as guides. In general, with respect to the legitimacy of Western Han rule, decisions were usually based on the teachings contained in classical narratives.
起訖頁 53-104
關鍵詞 西漢政權正當性經典經義the Western Hanimperial legitimacyclassical textsthe meaning of the classic
刊名 清華中文學報  
期數 201806 (19期)
出版單位 國立清華大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 兩周金文「口」的功能及其分化
該期刊-下一篇 抒情的結構:試析長調領字的抒情類型與美感表現




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