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醫療資訊雜誌 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

A Study on Consumer Health Information of Electronic Newspaper of Medical Centers
作者 黃蕙芬邱銘心鄭惟中
民眾對醫療健康資訊之需求以專業醫療機構與人士所提供之資訊為優先,醫療機構若能善用電子報之優勢,有助於健康資訊的傳播。本研究分析17份國內醫學中心電子報之(1)報導類型:電子報資訊類型及報導形式、(2)報導內容:主題單元及提供之消費者健康資訊類別、與(3)資訊適用對象。本研究自2014年4月起共回溯17份共204期醫學中心電子報、共4,582則報導為研究對象,採內容分析法分析其報導類型、報導內容及資訊適用對象。研究發現,電子報報導資訊類型以「業務導向型」的比例最高(52.03%),報導形式以「一般報導」最多(25.21%),主題單元中與醫院事務相關的「醫務資訊類」比例最高(88.24%),報導內容類型以「醫務資訊類」比例最高(40%),電子報資訊多適用於一般民眾(52.47%)。整體而言,目前國內醫學中心電子報以提供與機構相關之事務性報導為主,建議國內醫學中心調整報導內容,提供符合民眾需求並因應時下健康議題之即時、正確資訊,方能增進民眾健康資訊素養,強化對醫學中心之黏著度。 Medical and health information consumers regard tend to prioritize information provided by medical professionals and institutions. Medical institutions may facilitate health information communication by taking the advantages of eNewspapers. This study aims to investigate 17 titles of e-Newsletters published by 15 medical centers in their reporting style, themes of the reports, and the target audience. This study collected 17 titles of e-Newsletters published by medical centers backtrack from April 2014, resulting a total of 204 issues which include 4,582 pieces of news of published eNewspaper. Content analysis was used to investigate the eNewspaper’ reporting style, themes of the reports, and the target audience. As results, 'Service-oriented' report has the highest coverage of 52.03%; reporting style is mostly “general assignment reporting” (25.21%); most common themes of reports are “Hospital information” within the category of Hospital Services (40%); over half of the eNewspapers are targeted at general audiences. In a conclusion, the content of e-Newspaper of medical centers in Taiwan is primarily focused on the institution-based service orientated reports. It is suggested that the medical centers may provide the content that is most relevant and accurate to the health agenda, so that citizens’ health awareness may be improved and the stickiness to the medical centers may be strengthened.
Medical and health information consumers regard tend to prioritize information provided by medical professionals and institutions. Medical institutions may facilitate health information communication by taking the advantages of eNewspapers. This study aims to investigate 17 titles of e-Newsletters published by 15 medical centers in their reporting style, themes of the reports, and the target audience. This study collected 17 titles of e-Newsletters published by medical centers backtrack from April 2014, resulting a total of 204 issues which include 4,582 pieces of news of published eNewspaper. Content analysis was used to investigate the eNewspaper’ reporting style, themes of the reports, and the target audience. As results, 'Service-oriented' report has the highest coverage of 52.03%; reporting style is mostly “general assignment reporting” (25.21%); most common themes of reports are “Hospital information” within the category of Hospital Services (40%); over half of the eNewspapers are targeted at general audiences. In a conclusion, the content of e-Newspaper of medical centers in Taiwan is primarily focused on the institution-based service orientated reports. It is suggested that the medical centers may provide the content that is most relevant and accurate to the health agenda, so that citizens’ health awareness may be improved and the stickiness to the medical centers may be strengthened.
起訖頁 23-36
關鍵詞 醫學中心電子報消費者健康資訊內容分析Medical centerselectronic newspaperconsumer health informationcontent analysis
刊名 醫療資訊雜誌  
期數 201706 (26:2期)
出版單位 臺灣醫學資訊學會
該期刊-上一篇 醫學系學生第一階段醫師國家考試與學習表現之相關性探討--以北部某國立醫學院為例
該期刊-下一篇 醫學系學生第一階段醫師國家考試與學習表現之相關性探討--以北部某國立醫學院為例




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