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Discussion on the Denomination of Dengue Fever in the Book "Zhu Bing Yuan Hou Lun"
作者 李俞生陳柏勳王瑜婷
登革熱易在天氣極度酷熱下出現,造成的症狀表現快又猛烈,目前多以中醫溫病學的「衛氣營血」來區分治療依據和用藥。然而,探討古代典籍《諸病源候論》中相類似的病症,出現幾個從水源地衍生的疾病名稱,射工、沙蝨、水毒敘述症狀都與登革熱發作症狀極為類似,目前仍被部分同道產生混淆,因此在本文中探討以區別釐清。本研究旨在探討《諸病源候論》一書中,〈蠱毒病諸候〉提到的「射工」、「沙蝨」、「水毒」相同點、相異點以及是否符合登革熱的病名,以當時情況來探討與現代的寄生蟲病之異同,不僅以症狀等區分,更以時空背景的差異與歷史資料來釐清疾病的根本,找出射工病與恙蟲病的關聯性,射工病就是恙蟲病,探討出結論是射工病、沙蝨病、水毒病不是登革熱,沙蝨病則無明確資料與現在何種疾病相符合。 Dengue fever often appears in extremely hot weather, causes the rapid and severe symptoms. According the science of epidemic febrile disease of traditional Chinese medicine, we often diagnose and treat the Dengue fever with the theory of the four stages: wei, qi, ying and xue. However, while we studied the records of Dengue fever in "Zhu Bing Yuan Hou Lun", we found that there are many similar descriptions of the symptoms of these diseases to dengue fever. For example, we found that it is easily confusing with several denominations of diseases, which are from water sources, have similar symptoms to dengue fever. Our object is clarifying the differences between dengue fever and the disease which were record in "Zhu Bing Yuan Hou Lun". Our project was designed to explore the similarities and differences in "She Gong", "Sha Shi", "Shui Du", which were record in the "Gudu Hou" of "Zhu Bing Yuan Hou Lun" and correspond to the Dengue fever. We explored the similarities and differences between the mentioned record of "Zhu Bing Yuan Hou Lun" and modern parasitic disease. In order to find out the relationship of "She Gong" and scrub typhus, the equal of "She Gong" and Dengue fever, we not only clarify the source of the diseases with symptoms, but also the environmental and historical data. Our conclusion is that "She Gong" is equivalent to scrub typhus, "She Gong" and "Shui Du" are not correspond to the Dengue fever. There is no clear information about "Sha Shi" and what kind of disease is now in line.
Dengue fever often appears in extremely hot weather, causes the rapid and severe symptoms. According the science of epidemic febrile disease of traditional Chinese medicine, we often diagnose and treat the Dengue fever with the theory of the four stages: wei, qi, ying and xue. However, while we studied the records of Dengue fever in "Zhu Bing Yuan Hou Lun", we found that there are many similar descriptions of the symptoms of these diseases to dengue fever. For example, we found that it is easily confusing with several denominations of diseases, which are from water sources, have similar symptoms to dengue fever. Our object is clarifying the differences between dengue fever and the disease which were record in "Zhu Bing Yuan Hou Lun". Our project was designed to explore the similarities and differences in "She Gong", "Sha Shi", "Shui Du", which were record in the "Gudu Hou" of "Zhu Bing Yuan Hou Lun" and correspond to the Dengue fever. We explored the similarities and differences between the mentioned record of "Zhu Bing Yuan Hou Lun" and modern parasitic disease. In order to find out the relationship of "She Gong" and scrub typhus, the equal of "She Gong" and Dengue fever, we not only clarify the source of the diseases with symptoms, but also the environmental and historical data. Our conclusion is that "She Gong" is equivalent to scrub typhus, "She Gong" and "Shui Du" are not correspond to the Dengue fever. There is no clear information about "Sha Shi" and what kind of disease is now in line.
起訖頁 41-49
關鍵詞 登革熱水毒射工沙蝨恙蟲Dengue feverShui DuShe GongSha ShiChigger mites
刊名 臺灣中醫醫學雜誌  
期數 201709 (15:2期)
出版單位 中華民國中醫師公會全國聯合會
該期刊-上一篇 中風之中西結合治療辨病案




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