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The Chunqiu, the Gongyang School and the Construction of Ci Poetry in the Late Qing
作者 吳志廉
《公羊》學與詞學同在晚清獲得充分關注,惜學界多忽視兩者的關聯。「詞出於《公羊》」說,很可能是「某人」在《春秋》筆法與詩歌理論的接軌痕跡上,察覺《公羊》學與常州詞學的詮釋方式相似,才提出的一個綜合性概念。因為當時詞壇掀起了一股對唐宋詞進行政治詮釋的風氣,這種對「微言大義」的執意勘探,上下求索,與《公羊》學對《春秋》的詮釋理念如出一轍。譚獻(1832-1901)對「詞出於《公羊》」說,作出《公羊》學通於詞學「意內言外」之解釋。可知從經史之學到辭章之學,譚獻都以「經世」與「微言」作為評鑑標準,是晚清今文學派銳意入世的思想延伸,也是《公羊》學家以微言干涉世運之一大縮影。透過「跨學科」的研究方法,望能追溯晚清「詞學」背後的「經學」依據,藉此呈現出清人觸類旁通的深厚學養。 There is a famous saying about ci poetry in the Qing: “Ci 詞 originated from the Gongyang 公羊.” The person who said this is unknown, but it was likely spoken by someone who perceived various similarities between the rhetorical strategies employed in the Chunqiu 春秋, the Gongyang school of exegesis and Changzhou 常 州 ci poetry. In this regard, statecraft and the rhetoric of “subtlety” probably weighed heavily on Tan Xian's 譚獻 (1832-1901) mind when he considered the connection between Confucian discourse and literature. This not only reveals the influence of New Text Confucianism in the late Qing, but also indicates that Gongyang scholars took participation in social and political affairs as their ultimate concern.
There is a famous saying about ci poetry in the Qing: “Ci 詞 originated from the Gongyang 公羊.” The person who said this is unknown, but it was likely spoken by someone who perceived various similarities between the rhetorical strategies employed in the Chunqiu 春秋, the Gongyang school of exegesis and Changzhou 常 州 ci poetry. In this regard, statecraft and the rhetoric of “subtlety” probably weighed heavily on Tan Xian's 譚獻 (1832-1901) mind when he considered the connection between Confucian discourse and literature. This not only reveals the influence of New Text Confucianism in the late Qing, but also indicates that Gongyang scholars took participation in social and political affairs as their ultimate concern.
起訖頁 551-593
關鍵詞 《春秋》筆法屬辭比事《公羊》學晚清詞學龔自珍譚獻Chunqiu rhetorical strategiesshuci bishi 屬辭比事the Gongyang Schoollate Qing ci poetryGong Zizhen 龔自珍Tan Xian 譚獻
刊名 清華學報  
期數 201809 (48:3期)
出版單位 國立清華大學
該期刊-上一篇 論清代女詞人的豔情詠物詞
該期刊-下一篇 賽夏語疑問詞及其疑問範疇研究




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