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City, Land, and Literature: Practices of Hong Kong Sinophone Poetry in the 2000s
作者 岑學敏
本文借用台灣鄉土文學理論,結合其他城市書寫理論,討論2000年代香港華語語系詩和土地相關的公共實踐。城市並非沒有「土地」的概念,只是其表現方式和鄉郊地區不一樣。本文歸納,在2000年代香港華語語系詩的實踐中,書寫與回應城市的土地的作品,美學與表現方式多元,就內容而言,則以兩種形態出現:其一是在和土地相關的大事件(如保育天星碼頭和皇后碼頭運動)時的回應;其二是深耕於城市土地,書寫街道和社區,以及其中的人與事的作品,但當「大事件」發生時,它們可以為之提供養份。透過分析2000年代香港華語語系詩的實踐,本文說明文學在新自由主義當下介入公共的可能,如何有助反思自身和城市土地的關係,豐富文學也豐富運動,以及其對反思與深化「本土」的意義。 By adopting theories of xiangtu wenxue (homeland literature), with other theories on the writing of the city, this paper focuses on the re-politicization of Hong Kong Sinophone poetry in the 2000s. In the 2000s, there are many Hong Kong Sinophone poetic works in various genres and forms related to the land in the city. In an urban context, “land” means something different from a rural context. It is not true that the city lacks the concept “land,” only the representation of which is different. This paper suggests that in the literary practices of Hong Kong Sinophone poetry in the 2000s, literary works that respond to the concept “land” in the city present themselves in various ways. In terms of the contents, these Sinophone poems are either responding to a particular event related to the land in the city (e.g. Preservation Movement of Star Ferry and Queen’s Piers) or focusing on the people and livelihoods on different streets and neighbourhoods in Hong Kong. Yet, when the “events” happen, these works rooted in the streets and neighbourhoods become useful resources for urban social movements. Through analyzing these literary practices, this paper discusses how literature engages with urban politics while reflecting on one’s relationship with the city and the land. The paper also asserts that these practices are also significant for rethinking and deepening the understanding of “localism.”
By adopting theories of xiangtu wenxue (homeland literature), with other theories on the writing of the city, this paper focuses on the re-politicization of Hong Kong Sinophone poetry in the 2000s. In the 2000s, there are many Hong Kong Sinophone poetic works in various genres and forms related to the land in the city. In an urban context, “land” means something different from a rural context. It is not true that the city lacks the concept “land,” only the representation of which is different. This paper suggests that in the literary practices of Hong Kong Sinophone poetry in the 2000s, literary works that respond to the concept “land” in the city present themselves in various ways. In terms of the contents, these Sinophone poems are either responding to a particular event related to the land in the city (e.g. Preservation Movement of Star Ferry and Queen’s Piers) or focusing on the people and livelihoods on different streets and neighbourhoods in Hong Kong. Yet, when the “events” happen, these works rooted in the streets and neighbourhoods become useful resources for urban social movements. Through analyzing these literary practices, this paper discusses how literature engages with urban politics while reflecting on one’s relationship with the city and the land. The paper also asserts that these practices are also significant for rethinking and deepening the understanding of “localism.”
起訖頁 89-124
關鍵詞 香港華語語系詩城市土地鄉土文學文學的再政治化保育天星碼頭和皇后碼頭運動社區保育本土意識Hong Kong Sinophone poetrycitylandhomeland literaturere-politicization of literaturePreservation Movement of Star Ferry and Queen's Pierscommunity conservationlocal consciousness
刊名 中外文學  
期數 201806 (47:2期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學出版中心
該期刊-上一篇 美國後民權運動時代早期的種族囹圄政治:鮑德溫在七零年代的批判
該期刊-下一篇 文學翻譯作為評論:也斯六、七十年代的西方文學譯介




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