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Community Counseling Model for Nurses in Grief and Loss Caused by the Death of the Patient
作者 林仁祥蕭玄慈蔡慧玲
「生、老、病、死」是每個人都必須經歷的生命週期與課題。即使在醫療科技進步昌明的今日,死亡依然是必然發生。護理人員長久以來總是被認為是專業的助人工作者,關注大都聚焦於病人的需求上,而自身的壓力、悲傷失落往往未受重視。過去的研究結果指出護理人員因照護病人死亡而引發死亡焦慮、負向情緒與悲傷反應,進而出現不安、保持距離或退縮等盡量不與病人正面接觸的負向因應行為,甚至因沒有調適順利渡過悲傷而感到壓力與降低工作滿意度。本文旨在以回顧過往研究文獻並以社區諮商模式建構幫助護理人員順利渡過因照護之病人死亡所發悲傷失落過程之方式,提供予護理先進同仁參考。 "Birth, aging, sickness and death" is must experiences and challenges to be dealt in the life cycle. Even in medical science and technology advances of today, death is still inevitable. Nursing staff has long been considered professional help workers, concerned about most of the focus on the needs of patients, and their own stress, grief and loss is often not taken seriously. The results of the past studies indicate that the caregiver is suffering from death anxiety, negative emotions and complicated grief due to death of the care patient, and then appears to be disturbed; keep the distance or retreat and complicated grief and stress could reduce job satisfaction. This article aims to review the literature, introduce community counseling model and draw up a strategic plan to nursing staff to pass through the process of grief and loss responses caused by the death of the patient. The community counseling model can provides as a reference for advanced nursing colleagues.
"Birth, aging, sickness and death" is must experiences and challenges to be dealt in the life cycle. Even in medical science and technology advances of today, death is still inevitable. Nursing staff has long been considered professional help workers, concerned about most of the focus on the needs of patients, and their own stress, grief and loss is often not taken seriously. The results of the past studies indicate that the caregiver is suffering from death anxiety, negative emotions and complicated grief due to death of the care patient, and then appears to be disturbed; keep the distance or retreat and complicated grief and stress could reduce job satisfaction. This article aims to review the literature, introduce community counseling model and draw up a strategic plan to nursing staff to pass through the process of grief and loss responses caused by the death of the patient. The community counseling model can provides as a reference for advanced nursing colleagues.
起訖頁 1-8
關鍵詞 悲傷失落病人死亡社區諮商grief and losscommunity counseling modeldeath of the patient
刊名 醫院  
期數 201804 (51:2期)
出版單位 台灣醫院協會
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