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The Interaction between the Refined and the Popular of Jiangnan's Worship on Ancient Sages in Six Dynasties— A Case Study of Jizha Shrines
作者 何維剛
季子廟信仰具有濃厚的儒家氛圍,其兼具民間信仰與賢者祠祀的雙重特色,成為觀照六朝民間信仰的一塊拼圖。從民間信仰層面來看,作為一個神聖空間,季子廟士庶雜處。其曾出土被視為祥瑞的道教張陵木簡,成為志怪故事的發生背景,側映了季子廟與道教、民間信仰的關係匪淺。從政治與文化層面來看,季子廟於東漢時期遭受毀禁,其後季子墓的紀錄,為季子廟信仰活動提供禮儀支撐,而地方官員的立碑、謁祭、作詩,更成為季子廟的文化認同與政治資本。季子廟如何遊走於雅俗之間,結合賢者祠祀與民間信仰,並透過官方與文化的認同,確立信仰活動的正當性。如此種種,皆可為探討六朝民間信仰的特質提供些許線索。 The belief of Jizha Shrines teemed with the philosophy of Confucianism. It integrated folk beliefs with the worship of ancient sages, serving as a reference to the folk beliefs of Six Dynasties. From the aspect of folk beliefs, it functioned as a sacred space for scholars and common people to interact with each other at Jizha Shrines. The wooden tablets of Taoist, Chang Ling, were considered rituals at the time, which inspired lots of tales of the supernatural and suggested the complicated relationship between Jizha Shrines, Taoism and folk beliefs. Analyzing from the aspect of politics and cultures, Jizha Shrines were once suppressed and dismantled in Eastern Han Dynasty. Along with the discovery of the tomb of Jizha, it provided a solid support of amenities for Jizha Shrines' activities. Together with erecting local officials' steles, paying respects and writing poetry, Jizha Shrines have accumulated cultural identification and political capital. The thesis will analyze how Jizha Shrines established the legitimacy of their activities by interacting with both the refined and the popular, integrating folk beliefs with the worship of ancient sages and earning official and cultural identification. Of the above, the qualities of Six-Dynasty's folk beliefs can be further induced.
The belief of Jizha Shrines teemed with the philosophy of Confucianism. It integrated folk beliefs with the worship of ancient sages, serving as a reference to the folk beliefs of Six Dynasties. From the aspect of folk beliefs, it functioned as a sacred space for scholars and common people to interact with each other at Jizha Shrines. The wooden tablets of Taoist, Chang Ling, were considered rituals at the time, which inspired lots of tales of the supernatural and suggested the complicated relationship between Jizha Shrines, Taoism and folk beliefs. Analyzing from the aspect of politics and cultures, Jizha Shrines were once suppressed and dismantled in Eastern Han Dynasty. Along with the discovery of the tomb of Jizha, it provided a solid support of amenities for Jizha Shrines' activities. Together with erecting local officials' steles, paying respects and writing poetry, Jizha Shrines have accumulated cultural identification and political capital. The thesis will analyze how Jizha Shrines established the legitimacy of their activities by interacting with both the refined and the popular, integrating folk beliefs with the worship of ancient sages and earning official and cultural identification. Of the above, the qualities of Six-Dynasty's folk beliefs can be further induced.
起訖頁 53-73
關鍵詞 六朝民間信仰季子廟季子墓立碑Six Dynastiesfolk beliefsJizha Shrinesthe tomb of Jizhasteles
刊名 中國學術年刊  
期數 201803 (40春季號期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 常變、古今看荀子與韓非之歷史觀的差異
該期刊-下一篇 《聖經》漢語譯本《箴言》之韻律風格分析




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