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Performance Location, Music Source and Social Function of Chinese Pop Song Karaoke in Java Indonesia
作者 蔡宗德
華語卡拉OK在印尼爪哇地區華人社群中是一種十分流行的社交與娛樂方式。從家庭式的卡拉OK到夜市上的卡拉OK攤位,從餐館到各類華語卡拉OK歌唱比賽,無一不能體現華語卡拉OK在印尼爪哇地區的風靡程度。特別是從2000年之後瓦希德總統廢除排華的法令,華人文化得以在公開的場合呈現,華語成為華人身份的表徵,也因此華語卡拉OK更成為華人社群建構其社經脈絡與自我認同的重要方式。為了進一步瞭解華語卡拉OK在印尼爪哇地區的發展狀況,本文將基於過去幾年在爪哇地區的田野調查為基礎,從以下幾個重點作為主要討論對象:爪哇地區華語流行音樂卡拉OK的發展歷程、爪哇地區華語流行歌曲卡拉OK的演唱場域、爪哇地區流行的華語卡拉OK曲目來源、華語卡拉OK在爪哇華人社群中的功能與意義。 Karaoke is a kind of popular social interaction and entertainment of Chinese Indonesian society in Java. We can found Karaoke of Chinese popular song from family gatherings to night markets and from restaurants to singing competitions. Especially after President Wahid abolished the anti-Chinese laws in 2000, Chinese culture can be publicized and Chinese languages became a symbol of ethnic identity. Therefore, Chinese Karaoke becomes an important way to construct socio-economical network and self-identity. For understanding the development of Chinese Karaoke in Java Indonesia, based on my fieldwork recent years, this paper will focus on the following perspectives: development of Chinese Karaoke in Java, performance locations of Chinese Karaoke in Java, music sources of Chinese Karaoke in Java and social functions of Chinese Karaoke in Java Indonesia.
Karaoke is a kind of popular social interaction and entertainment of Chinese Indonesian society in Java. We can found Karaoke of Chinese popular song from family gatherings to night markets and from restaurants to singing competitions. Especially after President Wahid abolished the anti-Chinese laws in 2000, Chinese culture can be publicized and Chinese languages became a symbol of ethnic identity. Therefore, Chinese Karaoke becomes an important way to construct socio-economical network and self-identity. For understanding the development of Chinese Karaoke in Java Indonesia, based on my fieldwork recent years, this paper will focus on the following perspectives: development of Chinese Karaoke in Java, performance locations of Chinese Karaoke in Java, music sources of Chinese Karaoke in Java and social functions of Chinese Karaoke in Java Indonesia.
起訖頁 31-49
關鍵詞 卡拉 OK印尼爪哇華人社群文化認同社會功能KaraokeJava IndonesiaChinese CommunityCultural Identityand Social Function
刊名 南藝學報  
期數 201712 (15期)
出版單位 國立臺南藝術大學
該期刊-上一篇 新古典主義之跨領域探究:繪畫中的音樂特質
該期刊-下一篇 泰國東北佛寺之那伽美術考察




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