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Job Stress, Coping Strategies and Turnover Intention:A Study of full-time counselor Assistants in Halfway House
作者 楊麗英呂學毅
國內精神復健機構這幾年來蓬勃發展,服務於康復之家第一線的專任管理員除了協助住民生活照顧與輔佐訓練外,還要面對機構評鑑與相關督考、住民疾病的特殊性與複雜化之問題,其工作環境存在著潛在性風險,亦使得專任管理員工作負荷與壓力倍增。而人員的流動率會影響著精神疾病患者疾病的不穩定性與意外事件發生率,其相關性是值得探討的議題。本研究採橫斷式研究法,以隨機抽樣方式在台灣省北、中、南地區之康復之家的專任管理員進行問卷調查對象,共發放166份問卷,有效樣本回收率為73.5%。研究結果顯示:(1)工作壓力為中下程度感受。(2)工作壓力與離職傾向呈現正相關。(3)工作壓力與因應策略呈現負相關。(4)因應策略對工作壓力與離職傾向間不具有調節作用。(5)工作壓力對離職傾向具有預測效果。(6)工作壓力在排班方式、休假、薪資等背景變項上有顯著差異。(7)因應策略構面只在性別背景變項上有顯著性差異。(8)離職傾向構面則在排班方式與教育程度背景變項上有顯著性差異。研究證實工作壓力源會影響康復之家專任管理員的離職傾向。建議機構經營管理者不應輕忽此一問題,應給予創造一個友善及安全的工作環境,加強專任管理員面對壓力時能以正向態度去面對壓力挑戰,採取適當的因應方式,減少工作壓力所帶來的身心倦怠,必要時協助接受相關認知行為改變課程訓練,模擬相關事件實際演練過程,以提升獨立判斷解決問題能力。 In country psychiatric rehabilitation institutions was flourish in recent years , and the full-time counselor assistants who service in the first line not only need to assisting residents doing their living care and training them, but also have to face the supervise and evaluation assessment , the problem based on the special nature of the disease and the complexity of residents, potential risks of the working environment, so that doubled full-time counselor assistants workload and stress. And staff’s turnover will affect the stability and accident happening rate of psychiatric illness patient’s disease , the relevance between it is worthy exploring topics .This study use cross-sectional study and sampling by stratified proportional sampling, Full-time counselor from northern, central and southern Taiwan were surveyed by a total of 166 questionnaires, the effected response rate is 73.5% .The results show: ( 1 ) the degree of job stress feeling is mild medium. ( 2 ) job stress positively correlated with turnover intention . ( 3 ) job stress and coping strategies negatively correlated .( 4 ) response strategy between job stress and turnover intention does not have a regulatory role. ( 5 ) job stress can effectively predict the turnover intention . ( 6 ) job stress facets of halfway house full-time counselor are scheduling mode, vacations, significant differences in salaries and other background variables. ( 7 ) the significant differences in coping strategies facets is only base on sex background variables. ( 8 ) Turnover facet has significant differences in scheduling mode and level of education background variables.This study demonstrated that job stressors can affect turnover intention of halfway house full-time counselor assistants.The agency managers should not neglect this issue,they should create a friendly and safe working environment,encouraging full-time counselor assistants can strengthen their positive attitude to face the challenges of the stress , take the appropriate response , reducing work stress caused by physical and mental fatigue,When it’s necessary,assist full-time counselor assistants take the related cognitive behavioral change training courses,practical exercises related events simulation process to enhance in dependent judgment problem-solving ability.
In country psychiatric rehabilitation institutions was flourish in recent years , and the full-time counselor assistants who service in the first line not only need to assisting residents doing their living care and training them, but also have to face the supervise and evaluation assessment , the problem based on the special nature of the disease and the complexity of residents, potential risks of the working environment, so that doubled full-time counselor assistants workload and stress. And staff’s turnover will affect the stability and accident happening rate of psychiatric illness patient’s disease , the relevance between it is worthy exploring topics .This study use cross-sectional study and sampling by stratified proportional sampling, Full-time counselor from northern, central and southern Taiwan were surveyed by a total of 166 questionnaires, the effected response rate is 73.5% .The results show: ( 1 ) the degree of job stress feeling is mild medium. ( 2 ) job stress positively correlated with turnover intention . ( 3 ) job stress and coping strategies negatively correlated .( 4 ) response strategy between job stress and turnover intention does not have a regulatory role. ( 5 ) job stress can effectively predict the turnover intention . ( 6 ) job stress facets of halfway house full-time counselor are scheduling mode, vacations, significant differences in salaries and other background variables. ( 7 ) the significant differences in coping strategies facets is only base on sex background variables. ( 8 ) Turnover facet has significant differences in scheduling mode and level of education background variables.This study demonstrated that job stressors can affect turnover intention of halfway house full-time counselor assistants.The agency managers should not neglect this issue,they should create a friendly and safe working environment,encouraging full-time counselor assistants can strengthen their positive attitude to face the challenges of the stress , take the appropriate response , reducing work stress caused by physical and mental fatigue,When it’s necessary,assist full-time counselor assistants take the related cognitive behavioral change training courses,practical exercises related events simulation process to enhance in dependent judgment problem-solving ability.
起訖頁 1-20
關鍵詞 康復之家專任管理員工作壓力因應策略離職傾向halfway housefull-time administratorjob stresscoping strategiesTurnover Intension
刊名 健康管理學刊  
期數 201712 (15:2期)
出版單位 臺灣健康管理學會
該期刊-下一篇 整併策略對於醫療產業經營績效的影響:以臺北市立聯合醫院為例




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