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Product Lifecycle Management System Development and Applications: Evidences from the Collaborative Product Design of a Motor Vehicle Parts Manufacturer
作者 張碩毅阮金聲張麗敏李幸蓉侯惠娟
運用產品生命週期e 化方式來解決模組化產品設計的協同運作,是現今汽車零組件產業強化產業競爭力的重要策略。本研究結合質性研究策略及行動研究法,探討汽車零組件製造商如何透過產品生命週期系統之建置,來解決與供應商之間的產品協同設計問題。研究結果發現在相同的研發能量情境下,提供一個整合性的資訊化平台,讓供應商可適時的涉入產品設計與生產、建立有效的溝通環境、提供回報執行進度之訊息傳遞、以及預防問題發生的自動警訊等機制,不但可使產品開發與設計的時程縮短約30%,更可創造委外加工廠商與個案公司在研發設計與製造的產業優勢。本研究之過程與成果,可提供給其他汽車零組件業者或相關產業,作為供應商涉入資訊系統發展之參考。 Applying the product lifecycle management (PLM) system in collaborative design of the modular products has been an important strategy to strengthen the industrial chain and increase the competitiveness of the motor vehicle parts manufacturing industry. This study combined qualitative research and action research to investigate how the motor vehicle parts manufacturers collaborate with suppliers for products design by implementing a PLM system. The research outcome shows that a company can shorten product development and design period by 30 percent and also create advantages for both the outsourcing factory and its clients in the area of product research and design if the following requirements can be reached under the same research and development conditions: providing an integrated information platform for suppliers to design and manufacture, creating an efficient negotiation system and communication environment, creating a smooth progress reporting channel for outsourcing service suppliers, and offering an automatic alarm system to prevent the occurrence of problems. All the process details and outcomes of this research can be referenced by the motor vehicle parts manufacturing and associated industries for having a better collaboration with their suppliers through the use of an information system.
Applying the product lifecycle management (PLM) system in collaborative design of the modular products has been an important strategy to strengthen the industrial chain and increase the competitiveness of the motor vehicle parts manufacturing industry. This study combined qualitative research and action research to investigate how the motor vehicle parts manufacturers collaborate with suppliers for products design by implementing a PLM system. The research outcome shows that a company can shorten product development and design period by 30 percent and also create advantages for both the outsourcing factory and its clients in the area of product research and design if the following requirements can be reached under the same research and development conditions: providing an integrated information platform for suppliers to design and manufacture, creating an efficient negotiation system and communication environment, creating a smooth progress reporting channel for outsourcing service suppliers, and offering an automatic alarm system to prevent the occurrence of problems. All the process details and outcomes of this research can be referenced by the motor vehicle parts manufacturing and associated industries for having a better collaboration with their suppliers through the use of an information system.
起訖頁 65-98
關鍵詞 產品生命週期管理協同產品設計行動研究汽車零組件製造業質性研究Product lifecycle managementcollaborative product designaction researchmotor vehicle parts manufacturingqualitative research
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 201806 (20:1期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-上一篇 顧客消費體驗預期形成之心理模式──環境心理學觀點
該期刊-下一篇 在資料串流的環境下探勘高效益項目集




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