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The Post-Empiral Eyes and the Culture fragments of Colony- Taiwan writing and Flowing Identity in 《南風如歌》
作者 楊慧鈴
本文藉由《南風如歌--一個日本阿嬤的台灣鄉愁》中的台灣書寫來釐清與灣生相關的認同詮釋:第一、灣生的「故鄉台灣」是一個「凝結時空體」,台灣作為灣生故鄉認同的身分元素被調度出場時,其必然是與日本作為國族認同相伴隨的,所指涉的時空意義則僅止於日殖時期,並不向後延展,亦不包含當代台灣。第二、由於戰後社會處境的雷同,在地台灣人與灣生便以作為被壓抑根源的殖民地經驗為依歸,在殖民體制退場後加以懷舊想像與再詮釋,形成了一種溢出國族之外的「跨時空想像共同體」,但此一共同體情感卻十分脆弱,在主體實際遭逢時極易因雙方互動的力場變化而鬆動甚至瓦解,呈現出複雜的面貌與角力的態勢。最後提醒台灣社會不應忽視:灣生選擇台灣為養老的落腳地,某部分的背後促成因素其實是日本政府當代的「游牧享老政策」與帝國擴張時期的「移殖民政策」二者在前殖民地的跨時代相遇。 The purpose of this paper is trying to clarify the interpretations of the identity related to Wansei (Taiwan-born Japanese) by analyzing the writing in the book 《南風如歌──一位日本阿嬤的臺灣鄉愁》. The first perspective: Hometown-Taiwan to Wansei is a" coagulated time-space"--- it based on Japanese Identity and be effective only during Japanese colonization period, not include contemporary Taiwan. The second perspective : Cause of similar social situation in Post-war, some Taiwanese and Wansei found the Imagined Community out of National Identity after colonial period. However, this Imagined Community is very unstable and complicated, it disintegrates easily with the diversification of interaction. At last we could understand that Wansei chose Taiwan as the place for long stay at their old age not only means the emotional eonnection with Taiwan but also represents the Japanese government's population policies of different eras having encounters in their former colony, Taiwan, across the times.
The purpose of this paper is trying to clarify the interpretations of the identity related to Wansei (Taiwan-born Japanese) by analyzing the writing in the book 《南風如歌──一位日本阿嬤的臺灣鄉愁》. The first perspective: Hometown-Taiwan to Wansei is a" coagulated time-space"--- it based on Japanese Identity and be effective only during Japanese colonization period, not include contemporary Taiwan. The second perspective : Cause of similar social situation in Post-war, some Taiwanese and Wansei found the Imagined Community out of National Identity after colonial period. However, this Imagined Community is very unstable and complicated, it disintegrates easily with the diversification of interaction. At last we could understand that Wansei chose Taiwan as the place for long stay at their old age not only means the emotional eonnection with Taiwan but also represents the Japanese government's population policies of different eras having encounters in their former colony, Taiwan, across the times.
起訖頁 99-127
關鍵詞 灣生認同流動台灣書寫想像共同體後殖民Wansei(Taiwan-born Japanese)Flowing IdenitityTaiwan writingImagined CommunityPost-colonialism
刊名 台灣文學學報  
期數 201712 (31期)
出版單位 國立政治大學台灣文學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 戰後星馬地區漢詩人在台發表與社群交流:以《中華詩(藝)苑》(1955-1967)為研究中心




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