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Taiwanese Students of Tōa Dōbun Gakuin University, 1900-1945
作者 許雪姬
東亞同文書院大學為日本東亞同文會在1900年創立於南京(同年遷到上海),以培養「支那通」為目的的學校,設校經費來自日本政府的巨額補助。1945年8月隨著日本戰敗,於9月閉校。在這45年間一共有4,368人受教,為日本培養一些學界、外交界、新聞界、實業界的人才,但對中國而言這些人卻是侵華的先鋒。這所學校有30名臺灣學生,其中有3人以閩、粵籍生的身分,於1920年進入該院所設的中華學生部。有關本校的臺灣學生,已經有學者做初步研究,但因使用的資料不足,而有再研究的空間。本文利用日本外務省外交史料館有關的檔案、外國旅券下付表,以及大學史、同窓會名簿,先探討東亞同文書院大學設立的始末,次則探討臺灣學生何以前往該校就讀;30位畢、肄業生的經歷,以了解其學緣以及戰後的業緣;再者就3名事蹟特別的學生做深入的研究,即臺中人、廣東副領事陳新座,苗栗人、軍統南京組副組長彭盛木,鹿港人、上海外國語大學日語教授王宏,同校畢、肄業,卻發展出不同的認同,可見臺灣人心性複雜之一斑。近年來日本早稻田大學、奈良女子高等師範學校的臺灣人畢業生都已有了研究成果,研究東亞同文書院大學踵繼其後,不僅是研究海外臺灣人的又一章,也是教育史上不可或缺的一環。 The Tōa Dōbun Gakuin University was established in Nanjing in 1900 by the JapanTōa Dōbunkai for training China experts, and was moved to Shanghai in the same year. Itwas funded largely by government grants, and was closed in September 1945, one monthafter the surrender of Japan. During the 45 years of its existence, it had educated 4,368students, trained many experts in academic, diplomatic, media, and business fields.However, from the Chinese perspective, they were just vanguards of invasion. Amongthem, there were 30 students from Taiwan; three of them enrolled in the Chinese divisionof the University in 1920 using forged identities as natives of Fujian and Guangdong.Despite some research done, there is still much room for more in-depth exploration.With reference to documents related to the University from Diplomatic Archives ofthe Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, passport lists, histories of universities, andrecords of alumni associations, this paper first describes the history of the University,then explores why Taiwanese students enrolled in the University, and traces their studyexperiences and careers after graduation. More detailed discussion is given to threestudents, namely Chen Hsin-tso from Taichung who later served in Guangdong as viceconsul of Japan, Peng Sheng-mu from Miaoli who became the deputy division head of theNanjing Office of the Bureau of Investigation and Statistics, and Wang Hong fromLukang who became a professor of Japanese literature at the Shanghai InternationalStudies University. Though all from the same University, they developed distinct careerpaths. This research on Taiwanese students of the Tōa Dōbun Gakuin Universitycomplements earlier study on Taiwanese graduates from the Waseda University and NaraWomen’s Normal University, providing a more comprehensive picture in the history ofeducation of Taiwanese studying overseas.
The Tōa Dōbun Gakuin University was established in Nanjing in 1900 by the JapanTōa Dōbunkai for training China experts, and was moved to Shanghai in the same year. Itwas funded largely by government grants, and was closed in September 1945, one monthafter the surrender of Japan. During the 45 years of its existence, it had educated 4,368students, trained many experts in academic, diplomatic, media, and business fields.However, from the Chinese perspective, they were just vanguards of invasion. Amongthem, there were 30 students from Taiwan; three of them enrolled in the Chinese divisionof the University in 1920 using forged identities as natives of Fujian and Guangdong.Despite some research done, there is still much room for more in-depth exploration.With reference to documents related to the University from Diplomatic Archives ofthe Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, passport lists, histories of universities, andrecords of alumni associations, this paper first describes the history of the University,then explores why Taiwanese students enrolled in the University, and traces their studyexperiences and careers after graduation. More detailed discussion is given to threestudents, namely Chen Hsin-tso from Taichung who later served in Guangdong as viceconsul of Japan, Peng Sheng-mu from Miaoli who became the deputy division head of theNanjing Office of the Bureau of Investigation and Statistics, and Wang Hong fromLukang who became a professor of Japanese literature at the Shanghai InternationalStudies University. Though all from the same University, they developed distinct careerpaths. This research on Taiwanese students of the Tōa Dōbun Gakuin Universitycomplements earlier study on Taiwanese graduates from the Waseda University and NaraWomen’s Normal University, providing a more comprehensive picture in the history ofeducation of Taiwanese studying overseas.
起訖頁 137-182
關鍵詞 東亞同文書院大學陳新座彭盛木王宏Tōa Dōbun Gakuin UniversityChen Hsin-tsoPeng Sheng-muWang Hong
刊名 臺灣史研究  
期數 201803 (25:1期)
出版單位 中央研究院臺灣史研究所
該期刊-上一篇 再訪臺灣的調解制度:對傳統的現代化轉譯




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