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Landscapes in Modern Poetry: Taking Yu Nu for Example
作者 聶豪
中國古典山水詩的美學傳統,在余怒的詩作中得到一種另類的延續。之所以說是另類的延續,乃因余怒並非像其他詩人那樣一開始就將詩歌傳統奉為圭臬,而是依據自身的存在處境向古典詩歌的美學傳統提出質疑,甚至顛覆之。這也導致了余怒筆下的自然山水具有某種迂迴。雖然最後其渾沌詩歌的主張與古典詩歌中物我相契的詩情有共通之處,但由於加入了身體這一維度,使其詩歌更能彰顯存在的深度。 The aesthetic tradition of Chinese classical landscape poetry has been given an alternative continuation in the poems of Yu Nu. The reason why it is a continuation of the alternative is that it is not like other poets to treat poetry tradition as a standard. Instead,he questioned and even subverted the aesthetic tradition of classical poetry according to their existence. This also led to some kind of detour in the natural landscape under the anger pen. Although in the end, its propositions of chaotic poetry have similarities with poetics in classical poetry, but because of the added dimension of the body, poetry can better demonstrate the depth of existence.
The aesthetic tradition of Chinese classical landscape poetry has been given an alternative continuation in the poems of Yu Nu. The reason why it is a continuation of the alternative is that it is not like other poets to treat poetry tradition as a standard. Instead,he questioned and even subverted the aesthetic tradition of classical poetry according to their existence. This also led to some kind of detour in the natural landscape under the anger pen. Although in the end, its propositions of chaotic poetry have similarities with poetics in classical poetry, but because of the added dimension of the body, poetry can better demonstrate the depth of existence.
起訖頁 321-348
關鍵詞 余怒現代詩山水渾沌身體Yu Nupoetrylandscapeschaosbody
刊名 應用倫理評論  
期數 201804 (64期)
出版單位 國立中央大學哲學研究所應用倫理研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 山林自然的暴力與療癒
該期刊-下一篇 山林倫理:體驗與推想




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