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關於 Shirin Abedinirad 招喚(Evocation)系列作品的自然反思
The Natural Reflection in Series Works of Evocation by Shirin
作者 蘇子
透過伊朗裝置藝術家 Shirin Abedinirad 的招喚 (Evocation) 系列作品反思關於自然的兩層思考。首先是透過鏡子的反射帶出對於整全性的觀點,對此,由中國哲學切入,看如何看待;其次是透過空間壓縮鏡後的鏡像,思考人是否是作為自然空間中的異質之物而存在,人與自然的距離為何?最後討論人與自然如何溝通?而山林倫理及在其中。故此,安排章節為分別是:一、鏡子的象徵意義;二、偽裝的自然;三、人與自然的距離;四、與自然的溝通方式。 Through the series works of Evocation by Shirin Abedinirad who is Iranian installation artist to reflect two-layer thinking about nature. The first is the view of the wholeness by the reflection of the mirror. About this view, how the Chinese philosophy express?Second, through mirroring to think whether people exist as heterogeneity in the natural space?What is the distance between people and nature?Finally, discuss the communication between people and nature. The forest ethic is in it. Therefore, the article chapters are: 1. The symbolism of the mirror; 2. Fake nature; 3. The distance between people and nature; 4. The communication with nature.
Through the series works of Evocation by Shirin Abedinirad who is Iranian installation artist to reflect two-layer thinking about nature. The first is the view of the wholeness by the reflection of the mirror. About this view, how the Chinese philosophy express?Second, through mirroring to think whether people exist as heterogeneity in the natural space?What is the distance between people and nature?Finally, discuss the communication between people and nature. The forest ethic is in it. Therefore, the article chapters are: 1. The symbolism of the mirror; 2. Fake nature; 3. The distance between people and nature; 4. The communication with nature.
起訖頁 113-126
關鍵詞 自然整全性倫理鏡子中介NatureWholenessEthicsMirrorMediation
刊名 應用倫理評論  
期數 201804 (64期)
出版單位 國立中央大學哲學研究所應用倫理研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 奈斯的深層山林哲學
該期刊-下一篇 山水自然與生命的整體觀照──譚家哲對於謝靈運「山水行旅詩作」的解析




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