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The Internationalization and Market Competition of Tsai Yueh-Hsun’s Post-Confucian TV Drama and Films in East Asia
作者 賴以瑄
本文分析臺灣製作人兼導演蔡岳勳,如何以東亞國際市場為目標製作影視劇。他善於利用明星號召力,製作不具備明確社會歷史背景,接受較多西方自由批判價值,呈現東亞儒家父權權威文化的問題的「後儒家影視劇」,與尊崇儒家父權價值的「新儒家影視劇」競爭市場。2000 年代,他的作品進入東南亞與日本,但須以刪改版進入中國大陸。2010 年代,其市場重心移轉至大陸並和其合作。他仍然保持後儒家價值觀,但逐漸拋開臺灣特有的世界觀。面對臺灣社會的疑慮,他強調兩岸合作對臺灣影視產業發展有其重要性。他仍會呈現臺灣現代的一面,有助觀光發展。 This essay investigates the East Asia-oriented TV and film productions of Taiwanese producer-director Tsai Yueh-hsun. His productions have made wide use of the transnational bankability of Taiwanese TV stars. Set in nationally non-specific urban societies, they are categorized as postConfucian TV dramas, adopting liberal Western values and presenting problems in the authoritative patriarchal culture of the modern yet Confucian East Asia. They have competed in this market with neo-Confucian Korean and mainland Chinese TV dramas that follow Confucian patriarchal values. His productions in the 2000s entered many East Asian markets, including Southeast Asian countries, Japan, and mainland China, with the latter airing censored versions. In the 2010s, his productions have prioritized the rapidly increasing mainland Chinese market among all East Asian markets and adopted Taiwanese-mainland Chinese cooperation. The productions maintain the post-Confucian style of presentation, but remove the political viewpoint commonly perceived in Taiwan. Confronted with This essay investigates the East Asia-oriented TV and film productions of Taiwanese producer-director Tsai Yueh-hsun. His productions have made wide use of the transnational bankability of Taiwanese TV stars. Set in nationally non-specific urban societies, they are categorized as postConfucian TV dramas, adopting liberal Western values and presenting problems in the authoritative patriarchal culture of the modern yet Confucian East Asia. They have competed in this market with neo-Confucian Korean and mainland Chinese TV dramas that follow Confucian patriarchal values. His productions in the 2000s entered many East Asian markets, including Southeast Asian countries, Japan, and mainland China, with the latter airing censored versions. In the 2010s, his productions have prioritized the rapidly increasing mainland Chinese market among all East Asian markets and adopted Taiwanese-mainland Chinese cooperation. The productions maintain the post-Confucian style of presentation, but remove the political viewpoint commonly perceived in Taiwan. Confronted with Taiwanese skepticism toward the Taiwanese-mainland Chinese cooperation, Tsai argues that this strategy will contribute to the development of Taiwan’s film and TV industry. The presentation of Taiwan’s modern places in the productions will help promote its tourism.
This essay investigates the East Asia-oriented TV and film productions of Taiwanese producer-director Tsai Yueh-hsun. His productions have made wide use of the transnational bankability of Taiwanese TV stars. Set in nationally non-specific urban societies, they are categorized as postConfucian TV dramas, adopting liberal Western values and presenting problems in the authoritative patriarchal culture of the modern yet Confucian East Asia. They have competed in this market with neo-Confucian Korean and mainland Chinese TV dramas that follow Confucian patriarchal values. His productions in the 2000s entered many East Asian markets, including Southeast Asian countries, Japan, and mainland China, with the latter airing censored versions. In the 2010s, his productions have prioritized the rapidly increasing mainland Chinese market among all East Asian markets and adopted Taiwanese-mainland Chinese cooperation. The productions maintain the post-Confucian style of presentation, but remove the political viewpoint commonly perceived in Taiwan. Confronted with This essay investigates the East Asia-oriented TV and film productions of Taiwanese producer-director Tsai Yueh-hsun. His productions have made wide use of the transnational bankability of Taiwanese TV stars. Set in nationally non-specific urban societies, they are categorized as postConfucian TV dramas, adopting liberal Western values and presenting problems in the authoritative patriarchal culture of the modern yet Confucian East Asia. They have competed in this market with neo-Confucian Korean and mainland Chinese TV dramas that follow Confucian patriarchal values. His productions in the 2000s entered many East Asian markets, including Southeast Asian countries, Japan, and mainland China, with the latter airing censored versions. In the 2010s, his productions have prioritized the rapidly increasing mainland Chinese market among all East Asian markets and adopted Taiwanese-mainland Chinese cooperation. The productions maintain the post-Confucian style of presentation, but remove the political viewpoint commonly perceived in Taiwan. Confronted with Taiwanese skepticism toward the Taiwanese-mainland Chinese cooperation, Tsai argues that this strategy will contribute to the development of Taiwan’s film and TV industry. The presentation of Taiwan’s modern places in the productions will help promote its tourism.
起訖頁 49-92
關鍵詞 臺灣影視東亞流行文化東亞影視市場後儒家電視劇華語影視新儒家電視劇Chinese-language film and TVEast Asian film and TV marketEast Asian pop cultureNeo-Confucian TV dramaPostConfucian TV dramaTaiwanese film and TV
刊名 新聞學研究  
期數 201804 (135期)
出版單位 國立政治大學新聞系
該期刊-上一篇 動的資本與走出去的中國:以香港無線電視產業的資本併購與執照審查為例
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣籃球人才遷移中國的媒體再現與國族意涵




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