中文摘要 |
2012 年末,再度執政且擔任日本首相的安倍晉三提出「俯瞰地球儀外交」政策,致力與共有「自由、民主主義、基本人權、法治等基本價值」的各國建構合作關係。渠國外參訪次數為歷任首相之最,穿梭往返世界各國。在這樣的安倍外交背景下,以異軍突起、顯現其存在感的,實為與日本不存在外交關係的台灣。安倍再度擔任首相以後,台日關係以驚人的程度持續加強當中。其中隱約可見的是,存在以親台派為人所知的前首相岸信介的影子。安倍重視台灣的姿態,是否因受到岸信介耳濡目染、潛移默化的影響呢?本文藉由比較安倍外交與岸外交,以釐清安倍的台灣觀。
At the end of 2012, Shinzo Abe once again became prime minister ofJapan. Under the designation of “Diplomacy that takes a panoramicperspective of the world map”, he has been working to build relationships oftrust and cooperation with other countries that share Japan’s basic values,including freedom, democracy, fundamental human rights and the rule of law.He has taken more trips abroad than any other Japanese prime minister inhistory, making his way around the world at an extremely rapid pace. Eversince Abe’s second ascent to the position of prime minister, Japan’s relationswith Taiwan — which do not have formal diplomatic ties — have continuedto deepen to a surprising degree. Within this, the influence of his maternalgrandfather, former Prime Minister Nobusuke Kishi — himself known forshowing favoritism toward Taiwan — can occasionally be detected. Abe’sstance of placing emphasis on Taiwan may have been fostered through Kishi.This report clarifies Abe’s views on Taiwan while comparing Abe and Kishi’sdiplomacy. |
英文摘要 |
At the end of 2012, Shinzo Abe once again became prime minister ofJapan. Under the designation of “Diplomacy that takes a panoramicperspective of the world map”, he has been working to build relationships oftrust and cooperation with other countries that share Japan’s basic values,including freedom, democracy, fundamental human rights and the rule of law.He has taken more trips abroad than any other Japanese prime minister inhistory, making his way around the world at an extremely rapid pace. Eversince Abe’s second ascent to the position of prime minister, Japan’s relationswith Taiwan — which do not have formal diplomatic ties — have continuedto deepen to a surprising degree. Within this, the influence of his maternalgrandfather, former Prime Minister Nobusuke Kishi — himself known forshowing favoritism toward Taiwan — can occasionally be detected. Abe’sstance of placing emphasis on Taiwan may have been fostered through Kishi.This report clarifies Abe’s views on Taiwan while comparing Abe and Kishi’sdiplomacy. |