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Punishing Parents and Saving Children? The Outcome Evaluation of Mandated Parenting Education Programs in Taiwan: With the Reporting Rate of Child Abuse Incidents as the Indicator
作者 沈瓊桃
本研究旨在檢視全臺各縣市實施強制性親職教育輔導的成效,使用的成效指標為兒虐事件的再通報率;測量工具為全臺20個縣市負責強制性親職教育輔導業務的承辦人員所填寫的問卷。結果顯示2012年各縣市完成強制性親職教育輔導時數結案者共有166案,其中在半年之後又再次被通報兒虐事件的個案數有13案,故全臺兒虐再通報率為7.8%。若以縣市為分析單位,七成五的縣市的個案在完成強制性親職教育輔導時數後,並沒有再被通報兒虐案件。此外半數以上的方案負責人表達該縣市執行強制性親職教育輔導方案的優勢包括網絡合作順暢、課程多元、和專業知能充足。另有四成以上的縣市表達個案出席率低、資源限制、人力資源不足等困境。本研究的結論是大多數縣市的親職教育輔導成效佳,兒虐再通報率低,但有少數縣市的輔導成效不彰。本文建議強制性親職教育輔導的成效評估指標應包括是否能預防兒虐事件的再次發生。此外強制性親職教育輔導的焦點不能只限縮在父母個人的親職能力,相關的配套措施、資源連結和服務的可近性與多元化是未來需要努力的方向。 This study aims to carry out an outcome evaluation of the mandated parenting education programs in Taiwan. The indicator of the outcome evaluation is whether there are new reported child abuse incidents after the clients have completed the mandated parenting education programs. This study invited social workers who were in charge of implementing the mandated parenting education programs in each city and county to fill out a questionnaire and to calculate the number of child abuse reports. The research findings show that there were 166 cases that had completed the mandated parenting education programs in 2012. Among them, 13 cases reported child abuse incidents again in 2013. Therefore, the reporting rate of child abuse incidents is 7.8%. From the city or county perspective, 75% of the cities or counties in Taiwan did not have new reports of child abuse incidents among clients who had completed the mandated education program. Half of the research participants indicated that the advantages of their mandated parenting programs included a workingwell network, diversified courses, and professional knowledge and skills. On the other hand, more than 40% of the research participants expressed that the disadvantages of their programs were low attendance rate, limited resources and insufficient manpower. The mandated parenting education programs in most cities and counties were effective and the reporting rate of child abuse incidents was low. However, the programs in few cities and counties were not effective. The outcome evaluation of the program effectiveness should include reporting rate of child abuse incidents. Moreover, the mandated parenting education programs cannot just focus on parenting skills. Future work needs to improve other supporting measures, resources connections, and the accessibility and diversity of the services.
This study aims to carry out an outcome evaluation of the mandated parenting education programs in Taiwan. The indicator of the outcome evaluation is whether there are new reported child abuse incidents after the clients have completed the mandated parenting education programs. This study invited social workers who were in charge of implementing the mandated parenting education programs in each city and county to fill out a questionnaire and to calculate the number of child abuse reports. The research findings show that there were 166 cases that had completed the mandated parenting education programs in 2012. Among them, 13 cases reported child abuse incidents again in 2013. Therefore, the reporting rate of child abuse incidents is 7.8%. From the city or county perspective, 75% of the cities or counties in Taiwan did not have new reports of child abuse incidents among clients who had completed the mandated education program. Half of the research participants indicated that the advantages of their mandated parenting programs included a workingwell network, diversified courses, and professional knowledge and skills. On the other hand, more than 40% of the research participants expressed that the disadvantages of their programs were low attendance rate, limited resources and insufficient manpower. The mandated parenting education programs in most cities and counties were effective and the reporting rate of child abuse incidents was low. However, the programs in few cities and counties were not effective. The outcome evaluation of the program effectiveness should include reporting rate of child abuse incidents. Moreover, the mandated parenting education programs cannot just focus on parenting skills. Future work needs to improve other supporting measures, resources connections, and the accessibility and diversity of the services.
起訖頁 97-133
關鍵詞 強制性親職教育輔導兒童虐待通報成效評估mandated parenting educationchild abusemandated reportingoutcome evaluation
刊名 社會政策與社會工作學刊  
期數 201806 (22:1期)
出版單位 臺灣社會政策學會
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣企業實施托育設施與措施之影響因素:比較資本主義的觀點




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