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篇名 |
並列篇名 |
Institutional Analysis of Public Participation of Indigenous People in Watershed Governance: A Case Study of Lunpi Community in Yilan County |
作者 |
姚佳瑩、廖學誠 |
中文摘要 |
本研究目的在於探討宜蘭縣崙埤社區原住民族參與當地九寮溪河川保育的環境治理,期能瞭解政府政策對原住民社區保育及生態旅遊發展之影響,並分析民眾對集水區經營管理之看法。宜蘭縣大同鄉崙埤社區居民以泰雅族為主,本研究經由對 27 位受訪民眾進行深度訪談,並應用制度分析發展(IAD)架構,探討九寮溪集水區的治理歷程,並評估溪流保育成效。崙埤社區於 2002年開始進行封溪護漁,在地居民以義務性的集體行動落實溪流保育,集水區環境狀況恢復良好,成效相當顯著。社區發展協會積極向外申請計畫,大同鄉公所也努力配合,因此,許多政府部門資源陸續挹注社區,增強當地居民的集體行動。由於政府補助計畫屬於階段性,而非常態性、持續性,因此,當計畫終止結束後,崙埤社區漸感經費短缺、人力不足,社區的集體行動也漸漸消退,以致於集水區的治理工作最終又轉由政府部門主導。
The purpose of this research was to study the public participation of indigenous people in the environmental governance of stream conservation of the Jiuliao Stream Watershed in the Lunpi community, Yilan County. We attempted to understand the effects of governmental policies on indigenous community conservation and eco-tourism development. Moreover, we also examined public perception of this watershed management. The Lunpi community is located in the Datong Township. The local residents mostly belong to the indigenous Atayal tribe. We conducted in-depth interviews of 27 local indigenous people. The Institutional Analysis and Development Framework (IAD) was applied to analyze the watershed governance and assess the outcomes of stream conservation in the Jiuliao Stream watershed. The Lunnpi community started to carry out the stream conservation for fishery protection in 2002. The local residents had obligations for collective action in stream conservation. As a result, the environmental conditions in watershed were rapidly restored, and the outcomes were successful and fruitful. The Community Development Association actively applied for projects; while the Datong Township Office also worked hard to cooperate. Therefore, many government departments gradually provided many resources for the Lunnpi community to promote the collective action of local residents. Since the government subsidy projects were phased out, they were unusual and persistent in supporting communities. Therefore, following the termination of the projects, the Lunnpi community gradually experienced a shortage of funds and labor, and the collective actions of the community gradually declined. The work of the watershed governance was therefore eventually taken over by government departments. |
英文摘要 |
The purpose of this research was to study the public participation of indigenous people in the environmental governance of stream conservation of the Jiuliao Stream Watershed in the Lunpi community, Yilan County. We attempted to understand the effects of governmental policies on indigenous community conservation and eco-tourism development. Moreover, we also examined public perception of this watershed management. The Lunpi community is located in the Datong Township. The local residents mostly belong to the indigenous Atayal tribe. We conducted in-depth interviews of 27 local indigenous people. The Institutional Analysis and Development Framework (IAD) was applied to analyze the watershed governance and assess the outcomes of stream conservation in the Jiuliao Stream watershed. The Lunnpi community started to carry out the stream conservation for fishery protection in 2002. The local residents had obligations for collective action in stream conservation. As a result, the environmental conditions in watershed were rapidly restored, and the outcomes were successful and fruitful. The Community Development Association actively applied for projects; while the Datong Township Office also worked hard to cooperate. Therefore, many government departments gradually provided many resources for the Lunnpi community to promote the collective action of local residents. Since the government subsidy projects were phased out, they were unusual and persistent in supporting communities. Therefore, following the termination of the projects, the Lunnpi community gradually experienced a shortage of funds and labor, and the collective actions of the community gradually declined. The work of the watershed governance was therefore eventually taken over by government departments. |
起訖頁 |
89-114 |
關鍵詞 |
制度分析、民眾參與、集水區治理、Institutional Analysis、Public Participation、Watershed Governance |
刊名 |
地理研究 |
期數 |
201805 (68期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-上一篇 |
教什麼?概念化中學地理課程 |
該期刊-下一篇 |
帝國日本熱帶植物知識的形成:以金平亮三與Elmer Drew Merrill之學術網絡為中心 |