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The Study of Developing Industrial Automation and Control Competence-Based Program by Applying ADDIE Model
作者 謝明德趙義隆
過去文獻已廣泛運用ADDIE模式作為確認訓練需求、發展訓練課程教材、執行課程與評估成效等系統化方法。再者,面對先進國家如德國工業4.0與美國AMP先進製造等政策方案,現有文獻較少對產業自動化職能模型建構進行探討。因此,本研究以澳洲資歷架構,探討工業4.0所需產業自動化控制職能導向課程。研究結果:(1)驗證產業自動化與控制領域對於產業轉型升級存在人才缺口。(2)透過焦點群體座談,發現三項工作任務:控制元件基礎工作任務、自動化整合系統建置進階工作任務、馬達驅動器應用進階工作任務。(3)發展適合產業自動化控制職能導向課程之時數合計共86小時。最後,本研究建議政府與產業運用本研究結果,轉換成工作說明書、績效考核以及教育訓練課程規劃等。 Most related studies support the premise that the ADDIE model provides a systematic approach for determining training needs, designing and developing training programs and materials, implementing training programs, and evaluating the effectiveness of training. However, no studies have paid adequate attention to industrial automation and control competence-based programs, especially in light of the challenges posed by Germany's Industry 4.0 and Advanced Manufacturing Partnerships in the United States. This study explored the aforementioned competency gap in the literature and constructed an industrial automation and control competence-based program by using the ADDIE model with reference to the Australian Qualifications Framework. The results demonstrated that (1) using manpower supply and demand information can help to identify the talent gap in the industrial automation and control field; (2) three key basic tasks are controlling components, automating integrated systems to perform advanced tasks, and advancing applications by using motor-driven tasks; and (3) a total of 86 hours is required for industry automation and a control competence-based program to be implemented. This research contributes a valid instrument to assist governmental and industrial sectors in developing training strategies (e.g., job descriptions, performance appraisals, training programs).
Most related studies support the premise that the ADDIE model provides a systematic approach for determining training needs, designing and developing training programs and materials, implementing training programs, and evaluating the effectiveness of training. However, no studies have paid adequate attention to industrial automation and control competence-based programs, especially in light of the challenges posed by Germany's Industry 4.0 and Advanced Manufacturing Partnerships in the United States. This study explored the aforementioned competency gap in the literature and constructed an industrial automation and control competence-based program by using the ADDIE model with reference to the Australian Qualifications Framework. The results demonstrated that (1) using manpower supply and demand information can help to identify the talent gap in the industrial automation and control field; (2) three key basic tasks are controlling components, automating integrated systems to perform advanced tasks, and advancing applications by using motor-driven tasks; and (3) a total of 86 hours is required for industry automation and a control competence-based program to be implemented. This research contributes a valid instrument to assist governmental and industrial sectors in developing training strategies (e.g., job descriptions, performance appraisals, training programs).
起訖頁 53-67
關鍵詞 ADDIE職能智慧自動化職能導向課程澳洲資歷架構ADDIECompetenceAutomation IntelligenceCompetence-Based ProgramAustralian Qualifications Framework
刊名 管理評論  
期數 201807 (37:3期)
出版單位 財團法人光華管理策進基金會
該期刊-上一篇 工業4.0下的創新設計迷思




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