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The Revolution of Hospital Outpatient Pharmacy Fill Prescription Operation Procedure Reform: Yeezen General Hospital
作者 吳乃羣鄭志強王豫萱黃瓊億
國內醫院在門診尖峰時刻,藥局候藥區病患經常門庭若市,而調配區藥師忙碌不已。由於藥局藥品種類眾多,但調劑台的擺放空間卻有限,藥師在調配時必須頻繁地走動,不時的彎腰或蹲下拿藥,此情況對於藥師工作時的生理與心理均造成負荷。本個案主要探討如何運用人因工程概念,跨領域的採用「調劑台及周邊有限空間佈局規劃」、「藥盒規格化」、「處方頻率結合黃金取帶設計藥品儲位」、「促進學習的藥品儲位標示法」及「彈匣式補藥」等作為,協助學生了解如何改造醫院門診藥局調配作業的整體動線規劃,讓藥師進行調配時,走動、彎腰及蹲下的動作能明顯減少,並降低工作壓力及調配疏失,有效提升調配速度。本個案情境不僅讓學生了解藥局的特殊管理模式,思考如何規劃及改造作業流程,進而應用至零售通路與物流倉儲產業。此外,本個案的執行成本低,但效能持續性強,亦能讓想解決相同問題的醫院容易學習與複製。 During peak times, hospitals in Taiwan typically have many people waiting for drugs despite pharmacists hard work in the dispensing station. The main problem is that dispensary space is limited, but there are numerous types of drugs. Therefore, pharmacists in the dispensing station must frequently walk, bend down, and squat to retrieve drugs. This increases the risks of physical and psychological health problems among pharmacists. In this case study, we consider the human factor and cross-field practices, namely “layout planning of the limited surroundings of dispensary space,” “drug box standardization,” “prescription demand frequencies combined with golden zone storage and storage location assignment,” “storage markers to foster the learning of the location of drugs,” and “magazine-style medicine replenishment.” These practices are revolutionary for the workflow planning in hospital outpatient pharmacy dispensing. This case study aims to train students in methods to reduce walking, bending, and squatting among pharmacists in a dispensing station. The benefits of the reforms are lower workplace pressure and dispensing negligence and faster dispensing speed. Students are expected to extend the practices of this case study to retailing, warehousing, and the logistics industry. Furthermore, the costs associated with these reforms are low, results are effective, and practices are easy for other hospitals to learn from and replicate.
During peak times, hospitals in Taiwan typically have many people waiting for drugs despite pharmacists hard work in the dispensing station. The main problem is that dispensary space is limited, but there are numerous types of drugs. Therefore, pharmacists in the dispensing station must frequently walk, bend down, and squat to retrieve drugs. This increases the risks of physical and psychological health problems among pharmacists. In this case study, we consider the human factor and cross-field practices, namely “layout planning of the limited surroundings of dispensary space,” “drug box standardization,” “prescription demand frequencies combined with golden zone storage and storage location assignment,” “storage markers to foster the learning of the location of drugs,” and “magazine-style medicine replenishment.” These practices are revolutionary for the workflow planning in hospital outpatient pharmacy dispensing. This case study aims to train students in methods to reduce walking, bending, and squatting among pharmacists in a dispensing station. The benefits of the reforms are lower workplace pressure and dispensing negligence and faster dispensing speed. Students are expected to extend the practices of this case study to retailing, warehousing, and the logistics industry. Furthermore, the costs associated with these reforms are low, results are effective, and practices are easy for other hospitals to learn from and replicate.
起訖頁 23-43
關鍵詞 人因工程有限空間佈局規劃處方頻率黃金取帶工作流程規劃Human FactorLayout PlanningDemand FrequenciesGolden Zone StorageWorkflow Planning
刊名 管理評論  
期數 201804 (37:2期)
出版單位 財團法人光華管理策進基金會
該期刊-上一篇 中國人壽:投資重分類
該期刊-下一篇 寶成集團在反全球化和自動化的浪潮下之策略方案選擇




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