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The Study of an Innovative Two-in-one Multi-functional Kid's Backpack and its Application
作者 常雅珍林冠良吳詅云王麗昀
研究者研發「二合一多功能幼兒背包」,本產品通過新型專利,並獲得全國兒童創新生活用品比賽第一名。此背包在嬰兒時期可當作背巾使用,嬰兒成長後作為幼兒背包,讓孩子有長期陪伴成長的物品。研究者先分析市售背巾及背包的優缺點,再透過「心智圖法」找出實用功能作為產品設計的主要方向,完成設計圖及實際作品,最後進行量化研究及質化研究,以了解產品成效。量化研究方面,自編問卷,建立信效度,然後邀請三十位家長作為研究對象,實際使用傳統背包及創新「二合一多功能幼兒背包」後填寫滿意度問卷,透過統計方式,顯示二合一多功能幼兒背包在「內部功能」和「整體特性」兩方面優於傳統之幼兒背包。質化研究方面,邀請十位幼兒照顧者與幼兒實際使用「二合一多功能幼兒背包」,透過訪談分析使用情況及優缺點,進行改良。最後歸納研究結論,並提出相關建議,作為未來研究之參考。 This research is to create a two-in-one multi-functional kid's backpack. The innovation of this product also obtained the new design patent application and won first prize award of national children innovation supplies products Contest in 2017. The backpack can be used as baby carrier in the baby period, and can be used as kid's backpack after the baby grows up. So, children can have a product which can accompany with them longer. The researchers first analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of commercial baby carrier and backpacks, and then found out practical functions as the main direction of product through the "mind mapping". The researchers drew the design diagram and made the product. Thirty subjects were invited to use the two-in-one multi-functional kid's backpack, and filled out the questionnaire afterwards. The findings of the research illustrated that the two-in-one multi-functional kid's backpack was significantly better than the traditional backpack in terms of "internal functions" and "overall characteristics". The researchers also conducted qualitative research with 10 child-caregivers and understood the characteristics of the product and its pros and cons. Finally, the researchers made improvement for the product, and drew conclusions and recommendations for future research.
This research is to create a two-in-one multi-functional kid's backpack. The innovation of this product also obtained the new design patent application and won first prize award of national children innovation supplies products Contest in 2017. The backpack can be used as baby carrier in the baby period, and can be used as kid's backpack after the baby grows up. So, children can have a product which can accompany with them longer. The researchers first analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of commercial baby carrier and backpacks, and then found out practical functions as the main direction of product through the "mind mapping". The researchers drew the design diagram and made the product. Thirty subjects were invited to use the two-in-one multi-functional kid's backpack, and filled out the questionnaire afterwards. The findings of the research illustrated that the two-in-one multi-functional kid's backpack was significantly better than the traditional backpack in terms of "internal functions" and "overall characteristics". The researchers also conducted qualitative research with 10 child-caregivers and understood the characteristics of the product and its pros and cons. Finally, the researchers made improvement for the product, and drew conclusions and recommendations for future research.
起訖頁 55-73
關鍵詞 二合一多功能幼兒背包嬰兒背巾幼兒背包Two-in-one Multi-functional Kid's Backpackbaby carrier, and backpacks
刊名 長庚科技學刊  
期數 201806 (28期)
出版單位 長庚科技大學
該期刊-上一篇 熱水處理對台農73號甘藷儲存期之影響
該期刊-下一篇 中藥中重金屬元素之檢驗技術發展趨勢




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