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Unpacking Media Literacy: Exploring Undergraduate Students’ Understanding Towards Critical Consuming
作者 江宜芷林子斌孫宇安
本研究目的是以多重個案研究法探討大學生對於媒體素養的認知,以及大 學生在實際解讀媒體文本的過程之中,如何運用其分析、綜合與評價等批判性 消費能力。本研究以就讀國立臺灣大學聯盟三所大學的35 位大學生為研究對 象,設計半結構式訪談大綱,搭配四篇案例閱讀以蒐集資料。研究發現,參與 者對於媒體素養的理解侷限於閱聽人識讀媒體的層次,同時參與者並未將產製 相關的知識與技能視為媒體素養的一部分;進一步探究參與者閱讀報導的歷 程,研究者發現研究參與者質疑報導的表現源於對媒體的不信任,同時研究參 與者的批判性消費能力尚待加強。緣此,研究者建議我國未來媒體素養教育的 發展,須擴展學生對媒體素養理解的範疇,並在高等教育階段持續深化其運用 能力。
This study explores how undergraduate students understand media literacy (ML), and how their critical consuming abilities function during a news-reading process. The participants were 35 students from the NTU Triangle Alliance. Semi-structure interview and article reading for four cases were designed for data collection. The findings show that interviewees have limited understanding of ML, and they did not consider the knowledge and skills related to media production as part of ML. While questioning the credibility of Taiwanese media, their reaction to the articles was only based on the distrust of Taiwanese media, not on the function of their ML ability such as analysis, synthesis, or evaluation. Thus, the authors suggest that Taiwanese media literacy education should not just focus on offering knowledge of ML at a cognitive level, but enhance students' competence in media literacy in higher education.
起訖頁 001-038
關鍵詞 大學生批判性消費素養媒體素養媒體素養教育critical consumingmedia literacymedia literacy educationundergraduate studentsTSSCI
刊名 教育實踐與研究  
期數 201806 (31:1期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學
該期刊-下一篇 諮商師透過諮詢與教師合作處理學生問題行為之行動研究




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