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An Exploratory Investigation of the Organization Learning Course Infused Mind-Life & Environment
作者 梅瑶芳
Our study develops a creative course which integrates organization learning theory and the vision of Mind-Life & Environment from Dharma Drum Mountain. The framework of this course includes interaction between self-awareness, group dynamics and organization learning capability. In addition to inducing interactions between classmates by using cooperative learning methods, we apply a knowledge-creating spiral circle (socialization, externalization, combination, internalization) to enhance students' abilities in observing, analyzing, and taking initiative in organizational learning. The major elements of Mind-life & Environment include four steps in dealing with any problem: face it, accept it, deal with it, let it go. Accordingly, such four steps are also embedded into this organization learning course to improve students' learning ability. With quantitative and qualitative research, we accomplished the following outcome: 1. The framework of this course is practical and comes with some creative learning activities. 2. Research instruments to measure self-awareness and group dynamics were developed. 3. Students were satisfied with the teaching activities and their performance after the course was monitored. The students' capabilities improved in terms of awareness, communication and comprehension of organization learning. In addition, all students highly recognize that the four elements of Mind-life & Environment significantly help them to develop the skills highlighted above. Using an integrated design to enhance students' capability in self awareness, group dynamics observation, and cooperative learning together with four steps of Mind-life & Environment is the proven effective course we investigate and it is worthy to keep on developing.
起訖頁 271-292
關鍵詞 組織學習心靈環保雙圈學習Organization LearningMind-Life & EnvironmentDouble-loop learning
刊名 臺灣教育評論月刊  
期數 201806 (7:6期)
出版單位 臺灣教育評論學會
該期刊-上一篇 國小四年級敘事類記敘文寫作表現與問題分析之初探性研究




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