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Developing a Children's Anticipatory Grief Inventory-Revised in a Sample of Third to Sixth Grade Children with Parental Cancer
作者 李玉嬋詹靜芳莊旻達黃傳永 (Chuan-Yung Huang)
本研究目的在編製兒童預期性悲傷問卷。研究者依據Levy(1991)編製的成人版預 期性悲傷量表為架構進行質性訪談,以獲得父/母罹癌兒童預期性悲傷內涵來編寫兒 童預期性悲傷問卷的題庫,並經專家檢驗修整出問卷初稿;然後針對北部及中部地區 154名父/母罹患癌症之國小中高年級兒童進行施測之資料,再經由項目分析和因素 分析,制定出兒童預期性悲傷問卷,共十九題包含「預期性悲傷情緒」、「疾病認知 因應」、「生理壓力反應」及「親子因應」四個分量表,累計解釋變異量為61.11%, 有不錯的效度。而本問卷之內部一致性信度Cronbach’s a值為.88,各分量表的 Cronbach’s «值為.72〜.88 ,有不錯的信度。除此之外,本研究討論在編製問卷過 程瞭解到父/母罹癌中高年級兒童的預期性悲傷的一些現象,供兒童悲傷輔導與研究 之參考。
The main purpose of this study was to construct the Children's Anticipatory Grief Inventory (CAGI). Based on the literature review, and analyses of qualitative interviews, the researcher designed a first draft of Children's Anticipatory Grief Inventory. The pre-test was used in the survey study of 154 third to sixth grade students whose father/mother had the cancer, in Central and Northern Taiwan. And then, item analysis and factor analysis were utilized for constructing and establishing the reliability and validity of the Inventory. The final formal CAGI included 19 items, and 4 factors: anticipatory grief emotion, disease awareness coping, physiological responses, and parent-child coping. The reliability of internal consistency a= .8782. The accumulation amount is 61.11%. In the future practice application and research aspect, besides using the Inventory to assess the children's an- ticipatory grief in order to provide the appropriate resource and assistance. It may go further to expand a mass sample study, to establish a set of norms to make the Inventory with better discrimination.
起訖頁 017-042
關鍵詞 預期性悲傷問卷編製母罹癌國小中高年級兒童Anticipatory griefconstruct the questionnaireparental cancerthird to sixth grade children
刊名 高雄師大學報:教育與社會科學類  
期數 201806 (44期)
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學
該期刊-上一篇 Maker Space How To Make Money — 以商業模式探討台灣創客基地發展之研究
該期刊-下一篇 臺東縣國小六年級學生族群交友研究 一以2015年為例




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