中文摘要 |
台灣在2000年5月發生兩起烏龍麵(udon)及麵條(noodle)所引起之食物中毒案例。採集患者之麵類食餘檢體,以reflectoquant peroxide test檢測過氧化氫,其含量範圍介於597 ~ 1,656 ppm之間,該方法之檢出限量為1 ppm。麵類檢體皆含高量之過氧化氫,配合患者之腸胃道症狀,推測過氧化氫係造成食物中毒之主因。同時,於台北市及高雄市市場抽購麵檢體各30件,過氧化氫檢出率分別為26.7及3.3%。台北市之檢體有8件檢出過氧化氫,檢出範圍為50 ~ 1,240 ppm,高雄市之檢體有1件檢出263 ppm,皆購自傳統市場,另南北兩市超級市場販賣之檢體均未檢出過氧化氫。" |
英文摘要 |
Noodles and udon noodles were involved in two food poisoning outbreaks in Taiwan in May, 2000. Samples were collected from the uneaten portions of the victims’ meals. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in samples is determined by a reflectoquant peroxide test with a detection limit of 1.0 ppm. The level of H2O2 in udon and noodles ranging from 597 to 1,656 ppm. The gastro-enterological symptoms of the victims along with the high content of H2O2 in udon and noodles consumed provided reasonable evidence that the food poisoning was directly associated with H2O2. Furthermore, each of the 30 samples of commercial noodles collected from markets in Taipei and Kaohsiung were determined. The ratio of detected samples was 26.7% and 3.3% in Taipei and Kaohsiung, respectively. Eight noodle samples purchased from traditional markets in Taipei contained H2O2 residues ranging from 50 to 1,240 ppm. One noodle sample purchased from a traditional market in Kaohsiung contained an H2O2 residue of 263 ppm. No H2O2 residue was detected in the other samples purchased from supermarkets in Taipei and Kaohsiung.
台灣在2000年5月發生兩起烏龍麵(udon)及麵條(noodle)所引起之食物中毒案例。採集患者之麵類食餘檢體,以reflectoquant peroxide test檢測過氧化氫,其含量範圍介於597~1,656 ppm之間,該方法之檢出限量為1 ppm。麵類檢體皆含高量之過氧化氫,配合患者之腸胃道症狀,推測過氧化氫係造成食物中毒之主因。同時,於台北市及高雄市市場抽購麵檢體各30件,過氧化氫檢出率分別為26.7及3.3%。台北市之檢體有8件檢出過氧化氫,檢出範圍為50~1,240 ppm,高雄市之檢體有1件檢出263 ppm,皆購自傳統市場,另南北兩市超級市場販賣之檢體均未檢出過氧化氫。 |