英文摘要 |
The purpose of this study was to determine the inorganic elements in 8 commercial algae foods using INAA and ICP-AES methods. The results showed that the Na, Cl, and Al concentrations in green algae food are 1.5~7 times less than those in Spirulina food. Other heavy metal contents, including As, Cd, Cu, Hg, Pb, Cr, and Ni, were all within the allowed daily intake levels. The Spirulina food samples were found to contain more than 1 μg/g of As, which is the limitation level for green algae food samples, and one contained 15 μg/g of Pb. Since the concentrations of the inorganic elements in this study were not found to exceed the present regulation levels, they can be considered as safe food.
本文敘述利用儀器中子活化分析法及感耦合電漿原子光譜儀法,測定8種市售藻類食品內無機元素的含量。結果顯示綠藻類食品中所含的鈉(Na)、氯(Cl)、鋁(Al)比藍/螺旋藻少約1.5-7倍,但兩種藻類食品中重金屬如砷(As)、鎘(Cd)、銅(Cu)、汞(Hg)、鉛(Pb)、鉻(Cr)、鎳(Ni)等,則均在人們正常每日攝取量的範圍內。雖然藍/螺旋藻所含的砷超過綠藻的法定限量標準(1 µg/g),以及一家廠牌(B1)檢測出含有鉛(15 µg/g),但由於並未逾越該類食品現有法規之限量規定,故仍應屬安全食品。 |