英文摘要 |
Nine species of the most commonly found fishes in the Ann-Ping coastal waters, were selected and analyzed for the Zn, Fe, Cu, Mn and Cd concentrations in the muscles, livers and gonads. The results revealed that the Zn and Fe concentrations were the highest; followed by Cu and Mn, Cd being the lowest in the three kinds of fish tissues. The liver metal concentrations showed the highest values among the three tissues, whereas the muscle concentrations were the lowest. The muscle concentrations of Zn, Fe, Cu , Mn and Cd ranged 4.00-7.28, 2.35-7.72, 0.20-0.45, 0.20-0.83 and <0.0005 μg/g wet weight, respectively. The liver concentrations of the five elements were in the range of 23.0-66.6, 131-646, 3.34-48.2, 0.75-1.94, and 0.08-0.70 μg/g wet weight, respectively. A significant species-specific difference was found. The Sardinella lemuru contained higher muscle concentrations of Zn, Mn and Cd than the other species of fishes. However, the Liza macrolepis contained the highest liver concentrations of Fe and Cu. The metal concentrations found in this study were similar to the metal levels of the fishes collected from slightly polluted waters all over the world and Taiwan. Therefore, no public health problem would be raised in the consumption of the fishes.
本研究選取安平海域九種常見魚類,分別測定其肌肉、肝臟與生殖腺三種組織中之鋅、鐵、銅、錳與鎘濃度。結果顯示不同魚種其體內重金屬之含量均以鋅、鐵含量為最高,銅、錳次之,而鎘為最低;不同組織間之重金屬含量亦皆以肝臟最高,生殖腺次之,肌肉為最低。其中肌肉中鋅、鐵、銅、錳與鎘之含量範圍分別為4.00~7.28 、2.35~7.72 、0.20~ 0.45 、0.10~0.83 與<0.0005 μg/g 濕重,而肝臟中則為23.0~66.6 、131~646 、3.34~48.2 、0.75~1.94 及0.08~0.70 μg/g 濕重。重金屬濃度在魚種間有明顯的種別差異,其中黃小魦肌肉中的鋅、錳及鎘的濃度皆較其他魚種為高,而大鱗肝臟中的銅與鐵則較其他魚種為高。本研究結果顯示安平海域魚類所蓄積之重金屬並無明顯偏高的現象,與台灣及世界其他國家未受污染或輕度污染地區之測值相近,因此食用此九種常見魚類對消費者並無重金屬食用安全性之問題。 |